Thanks for the heads up, I think I'll stop here. A lot of the times writer's don't know when to properly let a story end and they add drama that just feels forced and unnecessary.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind the manga going straight to an epilogue and seeing little Edi's and Philomena. They can certainly skip the next arcs (the next one I can handle since I'm holding onto that one hope with the minor spoiler and one good thing after the wedding even if they won't show it in the manga
their active sex life.
Plus the ending of the very next arc at the very least has Philo proclaim to the other woman that she alone deserves to be with Edi (as a person and not the black magician hero).
, but the suffering is admittedly not worth it since after the next not worth it if you nitpick it arc, we'll have
beta Philo. Well, someone corrected me last time that she couldn't exactly say no to a relative/uncle of a royal family member but the nerve of that guy to flirt while Edi is in the same room (even IF they have to work together for plot reasons, even the guy who corrected me admits that the next arc (though I assume isn't finish yet/untranslated) so far has no saving grace
it gets hella dramatic after this even up to the current raws, but i'm glad she got married finally!!! yaaaaaay be happy together you two~ philo makes such a lovely bride and the band of heroes are so great lmao
Thanks for the warning! I was so content with how this chapter ended that I think I'll wait before binge-reading the rest of it, once it's complete (unless general consensus hates the last arc with passion, then nevermind)
@mammaria thanks for the warning XD so happy we have continuation for the story ... Then I just hope the ending will be more happiness after a lot of events.