Well glad to see this little loose end with Yuda wrapped up. But the manga has confirmed something that was already speculated from the start. That Maria planned to die from the beginning. Makes sense, Kiritaka was her everything and now that he’s gone, her grief and sorrow has made her believe she can’t lie without him. She’ll do her judgement than execute herself. To be honest, I hope the author goes more into that because this is a story of a grieving mother and there is a tragedy in a mother having to live without her child. i wonder if we’ll learn more about the husband’s relationship with Kiritaka. So far, all we know of the husband is that he was unknowing about Kiritaka’s bullying just like Maria but Maria had a feeling something was up while he dismissed it. I won’t say that makes him a terrible father or anything but it does probably hint at him not being at home a lot due to his work.