Uh huh, I see * nod nod *
I think the future development will be more filled with misunderstandings.
What's wrong? I don't feel strange about this development. Or am I too positive about that?
This chapter covers the good points of how Iroha put her friends first - like normal things - without being eaten by blind love.
This is better than a cliche response: filled with friends who push small things, "oh, why don't you just spend time together?" (giggle) or they deliberately stay away so that they can be close to each other.
This will be a challenge for the guy to change with this new relationship.
And back to the beginning, there is only interference in responding from a different perspective.
What I got from his response was not in a negative way: he reflexively ventured his feelings. Why? Because the sentence isn't something like this: "Ah, even though it's been a lot of trouble." or among those lines, he judges how someone is always on his way.
From what I caught, the guy felt annoyed but not from the aspect of acknowledging that
his girlfriend's good friends bothering them to spend time together.
This is just my assumption from the way he said.
Because as long as they spend together, he blushes and smiles which means he doesn't really mind about it. What was on his mind was that he had limited time to make memories. And when the 3rd guy appeared, he was like "What the hell?"
I also feel sad for Kusakabe but it was good to see Iroha appreciating her friends. I didn't even see Iroha being too selfish about everything.
What they do is not a bad thing. Just different. And that's the problem.
Yeah, the 3rd guy make moves that make him miserable.