@wanfai You don't need anything to get bitcoins but a pc. You can farm or buy bitcoins. f.e. you can find friends and friends' friends with good GPU's to farm it and buy it of off them for a premium(while you scrap every penny you can, you know its possible), since you know it will go up in value. Buying and selling stuff is not illegal for a child, and even if your parents thought you were doing something suspicious, hopefully by that point you got a few tens of bitcoins and you can just hide password to your wallet somewhere till it's worth 2grand per one bitcoin. Then, pay the exorbitant taxes(you don't want any problems) and just throw everything into index funds and cash out 4% per year
. Hopefully enought for a good life while working on what you like doing. You don't wanna do nothing with your life. Money should only help you with having time and mind relaxed enought to educate yourself on how to live and be happy.