Starting from the opening page, this chapter is packed full of little gems, it's just too cute
It was loneliness that brought them together, but in the end you can tell they formed a very strong bond. It now makes perfectly sense why Lorem would console Chiharu, a few chapters ago, saying that Zeke was helping, even though he couldn't be seen, she knew it by heart, she didn't need to see him to know he was doing all he could. Also, when Eriza in chapter 93 asked her about her husband and she didn't know what to say, in the end going with "He's a good person", at the time I thought she was just trying not to say anything embarrassing, but instead there was so much, much more between her words
Besides, we've only seen Zeke scowling, making a scary face or having the expression of someone who doesn't know why he bothers being alive, but deep down he was just a kind-hearted kid/boy/young man looking for someone to give him a soul... he's actually capable of making many cute expressions, guess Gospel got something from him after all, not just the shape of his tail and his wings.
His awkward expressions in page 9, when he's proposing, that happy face just in the next panel, but also the "I just realized something that will turn the world upside down" expression when he realized Lorem might be pregnant... those faces are absolutely wonderful.
And that last panel... that was it, happiness exists, and he too can have it.