legal things, as I said laws change over time, so I don't think is a good point to argue about, more so when the law is the law and I don't want to argue about it. Only saying that argumenting that something is bad because a law punish said action is not the way to go.
legal things changing over time has NOTHING to do with the fact that there a laws PRESENT and are in effect. You don't get to pick and choose a law cause you feel like it or that "laws can change" -_-
how the fck is it bad to use the law in a case where there a literal law that exists for it? what?
morality changes even faster than laws, what's moral today maybe is not tomorrow. And morality changes between societies and individuals.
AHHHH, STOP IT... JFC, we are talking about right now, present day, current time... something that may or may not happen (laws/morals may also NOT change in the future you do know that right) has nothing to do with the argument. Stop saying this cause it means nothing, what may or may not happen in some future time has nothing to do with the current situation on hand
Is not moral to have a relationship with a minor but the MC is not having one and even if he did he's not having it because she's a minor. He's not going for the minor exclusively, that's something you forgot to adress every single time
he has kissed her multiple times, had her NAKED on him in a love hotel, has been extremely close and touched her, has gone on dates with her... wtf do you mean? and it doesn't matter if "he's not going for a minor" she is STILL A MINOR. That's like saying a pedo doing these things to a kid is totally fine cause he "wasn't going for the minor", like what even are you saying here???
but of they resolve their issues and are okay with it, who am I to judge?
read that part of my previous reply where I directly address this and show how this relationship is both toxic and not a way to resolve their issues. I will not repeat myself every fcking time for you
is that this topic for you is either black or white. Human relationships are more complex than that and you cannot put every single one in the same bag. Hence why i said you both are zealots, can't see/imagine a situation without the bad things happening.
I have gone over and over and over how this situation is NOT an exception. My literal last post addressed this relationship in THREE separate ways, with NONE of them justifying it. And yes, it IS a black and white situation cause he's a 40+ man while she's a 15 year old KID.
and we are zealots for bringing up real issues and problems that exist with adults dating minors? that laws exist to protect children from the potential dangers? Oh excuse me for wanting kids to be safe from preying adults
and no, there is no good thing that can come from an adult dating an underage kid, none at all. The fact that you think there is shows that you really have some messed up view on this topic. I advise you to seek out information on this topic and educate yourself on why it is bad.
I dislike with passion when someone talks about power differences
cause it seems like you have no idea what power difference means, seeing as how you think it's only about force. This is why I've repeatedly said to REASEARCH the topic
also, that was not my only point, but nice of you to cherry pick one thing to attack me with
she doesn't see him as his father figure
apart from the fact the if you look at her state of mind and what she's doing, she is. Again, I've literally spelt out how she is in my previous post so go read it.
Uh, you're assuming he was a bad father and we didn't see that. See? you're being prejudiced against the mc just because you don't like what he's doing.
He didn't abandon his daughter and I've said this a ton of times already, so yeah
you... are you reading the same manga? do you not see how estranged his daughter is with him? did you not read the chapters showing us how he abandoned his daughter after the mother died? how he was too busy at work to care for his kid? how he left her on the side of the road, at night, chasing after his creepy relationship?
did you not see how he didn't even try and help his daughter with her grief? or get someone to take care of her when he couldn't? I could go on, but how in fck do you think he was a good father?
I don't see it that way, it has helped her see that her life was not normal with her mother. If that's not helpful for you I don't know what it would be.
which he could have done WITHOUT dating her, and he barely got her to stand up for herself and she already knew her life was not normal. Koto was literally desperate in wanting to escape her home life, it's why she went after the MC.
Nah, this doesn't go into the "seeking a father figure" she doesn't want that, she wants someone in who confide, kive and so on. From what we've seen the mc reminds her of her father only once and she doesn't go her way to treat him like that. He's a love interest for her not a parent figure.
her father left them when she was a teenager not a child
ah yes, cause leaving your child when they are a teen is toooootally cool and not harming
Is wrong, sure but you can't say it can't help her if in the long run she ends being happy and freed of her toxic relationship with her mother, maybe even fixing it when another adult confronts her.
again, I address this exact point in my previous post and show how this is NOT a solution to her problems and is in fact also a unhealthy relationship built on running away from problems, not addressing them. And dating an older man is NOT the way to deal with her parental, home and mental issues... professional help and therapy is. Someone who has experience with these types of cases and can really help her
An abusive parent is the worst thing you can experience, but taking that child from his home is the last thing you want to do. The child will be traumatized for another whole new reason and even if their parents were a pile of shit, they will want to be with them, because they're his parents
um, this is quite literally the most irrelevant thing you've brought up... but sure, taking away a kid from their parents can be bad but if the parent is literally abusing the child, then no, it's not bad. Look, this is going into a while other thing so I don't want to get into it. I'll leave it at: professionals exist who have jobs with child care, they know best and Koto should be referred to child support for her situation (if MC was a decent adult he would have done so)
Oh the mc has said multiple times he will help her, but he can't really help when he doesn't even know what's happening because she doesn't want to talk about it. He knows something has gone very badly but he's dumb and doesn't read this manga with us so.. he can't know.
and yet, he's just fine kissing her, going on dates, being way too close to her, professing his creepy love and so on. Sure buddy, the adult is unable to find out what's wrong cause he's literally too horny to do so. Hell, he couldn't even get her help when he knows something is wrong, even if he doesn't know the specifics. Even as simple as taking Koto to talk with someone he couldn't do
and what do you expect really, the MC can't take care of his own daughter so how could he ever take care of Koto
If you remember she clearly said he was like a puppy
LOL, so that is your proof she doesn't see him as a father figure? a figure of speech she used once? XD
the fmc is using him as well
^ this article's point one, if you bother reading it which I doubt, perfectly explains why even Koto "initiating things" doesn't excuse the MC. I'll quote it for you so maybe at least you might read this part:
Even in the rarer cases where the teenager truly does initiate things, that doesn’t mean the adult should pursue it – because it still isn’t quite the same as two (or more) adults consenting to sex. And that’s because adolescent brains are different from adult brains – which is why we have age-of-consent laws in the first place.
I don't see the mc as being a terrible parent an adult.
1) abandoning own child
2) not caring for own child even after mother dies
3) not even getting help to care for his kid, just left her in her room
4) focused only on his work, even before mother's death
5) left his own child on the side of the road, crying in middle of night
6) ignores that Koto has problems as he doesn't even try to get her help, or even ask advice from someone
7) too busy trying to date the girl than help her
8) using the MINOR as a distraction from his real problems and responsibilities <-- point of the story btw
9) a 40+ man who has now kissed a minor, hugged/been close to her, been in a bed with her, seen her naked, dated her <--- completely gross, illegal, morally fcked
an him having his own stress/issues does not excuse his actions in any way, he is the ADULT here. And even then, he could have gone and sought help FOR HIMSELF to manage his stress or asked someone to help him.
morals are like that even if you dont like them.
what is wrong with you? are you trolling me or something? how many times do I have to say this is not just about morals? how many times do I have to address your moral point? also, you are doing what's called moral justification, something I literally spelt out for you in my last post
it's not about me not liking the morality of the situation cause EVEN FOM A MORAL VIEWPOINT, the MC is wrong and this relationship is bad.
Every single relatinship is different, you can't put this on the same bag as every abusive minor-adult relationships you can imagine
...please please please READ MY POSTS, I literally also address this story without even bringing up other minor-adult relationships. I'm doing that in this post as well, how are you not getting this? Yes I've said ALL minor-adult relationships are bad, and stand by that but I also then looked at the story on it's own and showed how it's STILL BAD and not an exception
I'm not here to argue about law I'm here to argue about a grey area of morals and why its not inherently bad, so here, burn this nice straw man you've gotten for me :3
you don't get to pick and choose what to argue mate, this story is about a 40+ man dating an underage kid and that is what this entire fcking argument has been about. Just cause something doesn't support your argument, doesn't mean you can ignore it.
you are literally ignoring something that disprove your entire position, and then acting like you still have an argument... wat???
Why are you using as an argument something that changes over time? people probably had this same argument about slavery 300 years ago (OH NO HE HAS GONE OFF TOPIC AGAIN! BURN HIM!)
Just some examples, burn only that nice straw thing.
look up what straw man means, cause you clearly don't know what it is. I never said those words, and your analogy doesn't work here cause it is entirely irrelevant. Yes, going off topic is bad as there is a literal logical fallacy for doing so in an argument. Again, I've already told you this
and I've addressed this, but your defense against real world laws... is that laws may or may not change over time? so we can't use laws? what? -_-
Well, present to me the facts regarding why a relationship between an adult and a minor is inherently bad.
even young adults dating minors has issues, from law to morals and so on. And fyi, date of consent laws apply to all forms of sexual date, ranging from kissing and fondling to sexual intercourse. Ya, includes kissing which the MC has done multiple times
Or do you think people didn't have same sex relationships in the past (after the fall of Rome) just because the law and moral was against it?
same sex relationship between a 40+ adult and an underage kid fall under the same consent laws, no difference. And same sex relationships being outlawed in the past have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, wtf is wrong with you and constantly bringing up irrelevant shit that happened thousands of years ago?
You wield your law and morals like is an almighty sword capable of smiting everything.
LOOOOOOL, what? do you know what a law is?
I back my argument in that both of them want it and nor I neither you has a saying on that.
uhuh, ignore all the mental issues/abuse at home/parent leaving/stress/underage development of mind and experience/and so on and just blindly say "they both want it". And no, "they both want it" doesn't hold up in court cause the MC "wanting it" is beyond fcked up and wrong.
And even if a judge goes against him they can't do anything to him if Koto doesn't lie, because he has not done anything against her, neither is in a not moral relationship with her
multiple reports of them kissing, the pictures MC has of Koto, testimonies from the mother, daughter and co-worker, records of them going to love hotel that police can find, records of them going on dates or being seen on dates, MC's company having done an investigation on the matter annnnnd so on. Oh, and the mother point is huge in court cause she's the legal guardian of Koto and directly told the MC no. Oh ya, and those letters
any lawyer can easily get the MC charged with this
This is not another world or whatever, this is reality and if you think this type of relationships don't exist, we live in different worlds
I'm the one in another reality? I'm the one who is denying age of consent laws and saying stupid shit like "laws don't matter cause they might change"? I'm the one saying "morals are all wrong cause they might change"?
and these types of relationships do exist and ARE WRONG hence the world having LAWS against these types of relationships. I love how you ignore how almost all these minor-adult relationships result in serious cases of abuse, rape, exploitation and so on.
its not like you cannot google "divorces past ten years"
I have provided you with articles and sources for my points, you have provided nothing but "go google". So again, prove your point
Words don't scare me, what scares me is the amount of time to read and answer it. Why? because sometimes I've the feeling I'm having a good time discussing something with someone but with you most of the time is just "someone who thinks he has the universal truth is trying to sell me the holy grial".
uhuh, so me explaining my points thoroughly is bad. I get it, like I said in my first post, words are hard for you xD
Not a pleasant experience and don't try to say "BUT YOU DO THE SAME" because I've stated several times I don't want to convince you, neither """""""win""""""" the argument. This is not something childish about winning or losing is stating our different points of view If I wanted to read cases I'd do so, you don't need to try to support your point of view with them I dislike that.
LOL, then why keep replying to me? why keep parroting the same points I've proved wrong? I'll happily destroy your joke of an argument as many times as I want
I understand your point of view but I can't understand your position on the matter because I've read your whole posts (I refuse to answer them point by point this time is an exception)
you clearly haven't cause you keep repeating the SAME points I've already addressed... multiple times now -_- stop lying cause your replies tell me you haven't read my posts
and if you don't want to go through my argument point by point, at least go through some of it. You haven't gone through any significant part of my argument and just cherry pick one or two sentences to reply to. Meanwhile, I've gone through your ENTIRE posts to show how wrong you are.
I think I'm being very polite with you, something maybe you don't deserve.
I don't think you are being polite with me at all. You literally admitted to me that you aren't reading my posts, despite me putting in time to address each of your points one by one and explaining myself thoroughly. You then repeat the same points over and over as if you are trolling
so no, arguing in bad faith is being not polite, it's being a dick
Sweet and fancy words :3 do you consider yourself a good arguer? you really know your stuff :3
Btw, as much as you want to make your own arguments putting some fancy names someone has thought for you, it doesn't makes your own arguments better
HAHAHAHAAHA, do legal terms, real definitions, real phrases or words scare you or something? I'm using "fancy words" cause those are words in the dictionary to explain things, such as your abhorent use of logical fallacies throughout your posts
maybe educate yourself and look up the definition of the "fancy words" instead of crying about them.