First of all thanks for your work Hero!

Because of you many great series were rescued, and your translation is consistently good without any alterations~!

I greatly appreaciate that! 🐐
And dunno if you still accept requests or not but there is a series that really needs someone to save it... but the difference to your usual rescue missions is that this series has someone "working" on it... though I would rather call it ruining it...
They are machine translating it while don't knowing english yet also rewriting it, and they sniped it from someone putting actual effort into it...
My request for you is to save
The Hero Returns from Another World, Becomes an Influencer, and Earns Money in the Real World, Where Dungeons have Appeared! , I really enjoy this series and can't just stand by watching it get ruined... in case you decide to accept and save this series please start translating from 8.1.
I hope you don't feel pressured from this, I know this isn't your usual modus operandi after all~ ✌️
Well, that's it from me.
Thanks for all your effort buddy, and have a great day~

And good night~!
