Reincarnated as a Side Character?!

Nov 9, 2019
Normally I avoid English made webtoons on this site, but the coverart intrigued me enough to go have a quick look. I don't really have the time or necessarily the interest right now to give this a thorough read, but I did put some time aside to skim through the whole thing.

To start odf, the art at the beginning is...serviceable. Not terrible, but also not great; just serviceable. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, because everyone needs to start from somewhere, and I have absolutely seen some pretty atrocious webtoonist art in my day. Compared to some other specific artists I'm familiar with that have all posted their own work on this site, you're objectively pretty good in comparison, all things considered. But... still average, overall. Granted—it looks like it's somewhat early art for you, so I'll give you a pass on that.

More specifically, I have issues with how the hair was done. I actually had to stop in the middle of writing this to ask my artist friend to take a look, because I could tell something was up but I didn't know exactly how to describe what I was seeing. But basically—the coloring is off. It's much easier to ignore it from afar and with darker colors, but when there are close up shots or when I zoom in it becomes a lot more noticeable.

The main thing was the dark, thin outlines you use for the hair strands. It's not as noticeable on characters with darker hair, but on characters with lighter hair like the MC it is. These very sharp outlines clash quite a lot with the generally fuzzy and soft color pallette you tend to favor. He recommended experimenting with making the outlines there more transparent if you wanted to make the hair look softer, but really that's up to you if that fits your style.

Less noticeable in chapters up into the 20s was how you had a habit to sometimes color the hair in either straight up and down lines, in random directions, or otherwise in ways that did not follow the natural curvature of the hair. This was actually pretty hard to notice from afar unless I REALLY stared at the art or zoomed in. It's not a big deal in my opinion since it was already very hard to notice, and it seems like in your latest chapters you cleaned up your coloring because I can't really tell if you do that anymore even when I zoom in.

On some much more positive notes, I can absolutely say that you noticeably improve as time goes on. At some very early point that I cannot exactly pinpoint (maybe around the lower chapter 10s? Maybe around ch 15?) you pretty much nail how to do profile shots and other odd angles without the character faces looking wonky, unlike in your very earliest chapters. And you keep that consistent through all future chapters from then on, at least from what I have seen with just a skim.

You also seem to have a pretty good grasp on how to structure for a webtoon, no complaints from me there from what I can discern without reading. The eyes are easily the most striking part of the overall character design here, as they are consistently well done. Bright and vibrant, doesn't look flat. You also have a decent idea of how hair strands should interact with wind or magic or whatever other force would disturb the position of hair. Which I know can be a bit tedious to do.

Overall, as far as art is concerned... Well. It's pretty rough. But that said, there is undeniable potential there. You just need some more time to polish up and gain experience, which working on this webtoon would provide.
Group Leader
Aug 4, 2019
@SmuggestOfRats thanks for taking yout time to read my webtoon and commenting :). Thank you for giving me critique and a honest preview on my webtoon. As you said I'm still in my early age of creating webtoons, I like to do that as a hobby and hope I'll improve with time :)
Aggregator gang
Apr 30, 2018
@sekkinS I thought you did a good job. Your coloring in particular is very well done. I appreciate that you put so much effort into the backgrounds. People don't realize how difficult it is to make respectable backgrounds. While there's room to improve with your art, you're already really good for an amateur. The more you practice, the better you'll get, and I suspect with consistent practice you'll be as good as professional webtoonist within 5 years.

Storywise, it's too early to tell. That said, you've done a good job of building "foundational" aspects of the main character. Making sure the audience knows the kind of person they're following is important for setting expectations later. You nailed that!

Keep it up! While it's good to listen to critiques for improving, don't be discouraged by them. You've got a good thing going already. As long as you persist in your passion and believe in your story, the sky's the limit for you! The only time you'll fail is if you stop. :)
May 25, 2020
I really like the story, even if the plot is kind of seen everywhere, you managed to make it "fresh" by creating an MC who is also fed up with this trope, good job!!
Storywise I don't have really much more to say but I'll see as chapters go by.
Good job!
Apr 20, 2020
Honestly, this is pretty cool! As said before the main problem is the art, but i can tell you are trying. i dont mind rough character design, but i hope that you work on the anatomy, maybe its just me,,, anyways i like the MC, i know its too early to tell but still, i really love how she doesnt dwell too much on her past life.
Apr 1, 2020
I'm only here for the story ,despite the complains about the art it's kinda easy and refreshing for me to read,not flashy but simple, and for those talking without knowing art may inprove when there's money and support
May 27, 2020
anatomy's a bit wonky but this is good! your shading and tone is great, and the story is interesting (always a sucker for otome isekai), look forward to more! Thanks for your hard work.
Feb 4, 2019
@SekkinS Just an FYI, even if you only post it on WebToons, aggregator website bots are going to still steal it and post it on their site. MangaDex is not the cause of your work being uploaded to other sites, the other sites are the reason.
May 14, 2019
I cannot lie this isn't amazing lolol but at least u r trying ur best? Def feels like it was written by a 13 y/o but i wish u the best.
Group Leader
Jan 12, 2020
Good work, thank you for creating such a lovely story. Quite pleasant to read - not too stressful at all or overly cliche and I’m glad because it’s been a long time since I’ve read something so refreshing.

To anyone interested in reading this, yes it does start off a little cliche and it’s not the best or amazing, but it gets better so stick around longer before deciding. (Check the Webtoon, not MangaDex)

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