a) Her fiancee is literally one of the strongest people within a serious radius
b) Her fiancee is also someone who's usually very kind, except when someone he protects is in danger
c) Their tribe emphasize on bravery, not talking
d) The horns would pretty soon catch up on his bullshit unless he's an actual sage who just wants to help their marriage along and wishes both of them from his heart
e) She likely knows that if their marriage isn't successful, there's a whole group of women who're willing to replace her.
f) She knows camouflage magic, and she wouldn't approach total strangers for no reason
g) There are currently no reasons as to why some fat dude would even know of her , approach her and be able to convince her
Basically, the only way it has the slightest of slight chances to succeed, is if Dias is very far away, she's extremely nervous about their situation and ignores any actual light from her horn and the fat dude is one of the most smoothtalking people in existence
That being said, i'm curious if this girl is royalty, nobility or part of some knight order. Each would have different reasons to visit him.