This is a good manga. I read the first 11 all together and the plot is kinda cool. The sad thing is that while the twins's behaviour is realistic ( more or less), the other characters behaviour is not. I'm not english so it's kinda hard for me to explain what I mean but I hope my explanation will be understandable: Every character is well made, their personality is good, they are cool high schoolers but they are too nice to be true.
If one began saying weird things like Itsuki did, high schoolers would call him a weirdo and avoid him.
If there is an important sport match and the team loses because you sucked, high schoolers would blame you, a lot.
If you try to stand up to a group of bullies, you would get kicked in the ass. They wouldn't run away just because 1 guy told them to stop. They would probably start bullying him too
So, what I'm trying to say is that this manga is amazing and I love all the characters and the plot but it's not realistic ( and that's a good thing because reality is awful).