Sentou Hakai Gakuen Dangerous

May 27, 2020
that part about the gender bent originally muscly guy getting both "her" things' virginity got forcefully taken by some literal dick head is gonna stick with me my entire life.

and that the protagonist and "her" brushed it off like it was nothing after what happened despite looking like they had experienced the worst trauma in their entire life...

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I genuinely don't like this series, but I at least respect it. Its willingness to brutally and suddenly kill off characters, often in undignified ways leaves an impression, and it never shies away from ridiculous or uncomfortable subject matter. It has a total disregard for narrative conventions and as a result is one of the few genuinely unpredictable works I've read.

Almost every work of fiction has at least one thing in common: they want to please the audience. Even horror or tragedy works attempt to provide some sense of catharsis. They are enjoyable, just in a different way. It's entirely possible the author was attempting to create an enjoyable experience and just utterly failed, but I doubt it. I get the distinct impression reading this that it is the exceedingly rare instance of a work that simply has no desire to please the audience. It's almost like punk or noise music that deliberately sounds unpleasant as a sort of challenge or f u to the audience. It's certainly unique among the stories I've read, I'm just not sure it was worth reading.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Active member
Aug 11, 2018
Hey I dropped this long time ago when banchou group got betrayed and almost all killed (except banchou and mc if I remember well). I was too frustated (and sad). Is it worth continuing reading it?

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jul 9, 2019
This is confusing. I don't know if it's supposed to be serious or a joke. My brain is uncomfortable and so I'll drop this.
Jan 25, 2018
Thanks a lot for translating this series, I really enjoyed the art and the storytelling.
For anyone checking this out, the low rating is most likely caused by its ruthless plot and fast pacing, while I find the author expression deeply refreshing, it's not for everyone. If you like to experience something different, unbounded, or maybe offensive, definitely give it a try.
although it's cringe, I do hope the author save everyone in the end since time-travelling ability is established...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
I swear I heard that this was based off of some roleplaying game some people played, and that's why you get random deaths and twist developments. Because they were pulling it all out of their asses.
Sep 25, 2020
It is pretty good yet pretty bad. Its unique and intriguing story, but the story telling is lacking like shit keeps coming at you without any explanation at all and sometimes they expect you to know things(this hurt my brain and made me drop it). The flow of the story is kinda weird since rules are already preestablished but no one talks about it(which is normal in a real world but for me as a reader i feel lost).Also characters come in and die out alot, this is both a bad and good thing. But the story premise is really interesting and well thought off.If you are not bothered by some missing details and lack of explanation the read it.
at some point they called these "transfer students" who are from a parallel universe or something like that. This was never explained, like can you just go on the internet and summon them ,and by parallel universe did they mean it literally or metaphorically since the topic of different universes was never mentioned before. It was just established as common knowledge and left me confused
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
It written like it is based on some esoteric description of an apocalypse.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2023
I came her for the gender bender and I stayed for the insanity.
This manga is a mixed bag. You need to he a special kind of audience to read this manga. How so? Just imagine the horror movie fans. They don't have to watch horror movies, they could watch any other genre but they choose horror movies. It is exactly the same for this comic.
I have no idea if the author was inspired by the Game of Thrones mindset buy it is actually impressive how big the guts of the author is.
Every single couple of chapters you get an unbelievable twist that you never expect. It keeps you engaged very well.
The manga medium is perfect for this story because this story would never work as an anime or a movie.
The manga literally starts with a guy who's ability is to use One Piece's Traflagar Law's power to cut a guy's weiner and plums off.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2023
Sorry for the double post but I just wanted to get in the story to explain the insanity of this manga and why I recommend it to people who are just tired of normal manga and have am experience already. I recommend this manga to the Manga Veteran!

This manga story is NOT for the Manga Initiate or soft hearted.

So the story starts with this highschool girl that nearly gets raped by University students. Unfortunately for them, she awakens a magic Telekinetic ability that makes Jean Grey from X-men look like a child playing with child blocks. Her telekinetic ability is literally to kill men by exploding their weiner. But she isn't the MC! in fact, she never even meets the MC!

So the MC is a guy who has almost nothing to do with the story. I like that. There is no boring cliche trope to the MC. He is just some 'guy' who got involved into the story of his own choice. I really like that.
Why does he get involved? His childhood friend is kidnapped not because of him but just because she is well known in the school.
The MC has the ability to change someone's gender... and that is the length of his ability...
So basically there are two groups in this school of killers with magic power. The male killer girl joins one group... and the other group arranges for an assassin to take her o- I'm just kidding, that sounds too normal. The other group discover about the MC's ability and... convince him to turn all the men into girls... so that the male-killer girl won't have any power over them...
ANYWAY, the author of this manga decides to explore every genre he can : Loli cuteness, motorheads, samurai, school drama, hentai, sci-fi, body horror every genra he knows he puts it in this manga.

the funny thing is that he creates a lot of great expectations and then not long after blows it in your face! He does Subversion right because in not a single moment did I think : well this is forced. It really isn't, it just feels like the surprise you never expected.
Like there is a guy who has the ability to move at 600 Km/s. He is literally The Flash! You would think: "Well this guy is the most powerful fighter in both groups! Right?" Wrong! Literally not the case! A simple pot hole could break his leg if he stepped in it! A hand of sand is like and I quote "bullets to him" if he runs really fast in it!

Another subversive thing: there is this samurai pretty boy character who has beef with one of the leaders of the groups. He swore to avenge his girlfriend. The guy has mad final boy vibes. He is also the hottest "gurl" in the group. You expect that he/she has tough plotshield! Author says: "Nope!" He gets taken out in a dirty sneak attack in the first battle!
I think people feel the most like dropping off the manga during the lost of Kyouko or Sengouhara or samurai guy.
Because you built up your manga so much to care for these characters and their stories and the author decides to do something subversive and literally make your whole time seems worthless.
I am not gonna lie in the last part of the manga, I didn't even read some of the text, just skimmed through it because I was expecting Subversion so I didn't built up expectations anymore.

I binged the whole manga in a day and I have read the ending and I am gonna say this: the ending is as good as the story: surprisngly subversive in a decent way.

whatever the case: read this manga if you want to aleviate some bordom but go into it with an open mind...

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