I get that. It just still feels a bit dishonest to me. Like they just threw that detail in there in order to rake in the isekai crowd without having to exert much effort doing anything with the isekai premise. Then again, that description also fits Knight's & Magic to a T, and I love that series to death, so maybe I'm better off biting my tongue.
In reality, it was probably less a maniacal corporate exec scheming on how to outsmart isekai fans, and more an amateur writer that just wanted to make a simple power fantasy and didn't think that little bit of redundancy was worth losing sleep over. I dunno, I just personally feel like very few isekais take full advantage of their premise, so it frustrates me a bit whenever it only seems to be there so readers don't have to try very hard to self-insert into the MC. It's not an inherently wrong way to go about things, just feels like wasted potential to me.