> That Uncle, all i can say that "he was a real BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
> I think there's a flaw in the magic system in that world. Im thinking that casting technique they had require's a large amount of mana to activate the spell.
If we can make a comparison, let say, just an example ok?
- 1950's car, consume 1 L of gas for every 5 miles
- 2020 car, consumes 1L of gas every 20 miles
The technique of 1950's car are not that well develop to make of use the gas in very efficient manner
Where as the 2020 car, are well efficient thru the guidance and technique of a computer as well as the engineering inside the machine.
MC will most likely use his science knowledge to make that happen, while that world inhabitants doesnt know how to efficiently cast the magic and resulted of being required to supply large mana.