@Meridis: AMetroid is right on the information point. We don't have enough of them. I thought the same thing, but as Meridis pointed out, they should have been strong enough. Also, as Meridis said, that part of the wood burned quite well. It stands to reason, that the rest of the forest would have burned equally good. And some herbs only grow there. I just can't believe the village folk is cool with that tactic.
Then again, maybe it was a well calculated risk and the fire wasn't about to go out of control. Maybe the herbs weren't that important or they didn't know about there location. Owlbear are dangerous. Is getting rid of the risk of losing working force in the village really not worth sacrificing some acres of wood?
We can hallucinate reasons for both sides. ? But in the end we have to ask ourselfs: Would a wild hunt with fire work on owlbears? If you start a fire, do they start coming or running? My guess is the fire was a mistake. Someone used fire magic and whoosh.