Shousetsu Toukou Saito o Riyou Shite Itara, Kurasu no Bishoujo ga Dokusha datta - Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
This will obviously be a struggle at first since we can't just end this next chapter but it's actually a smart plan to get people they've helped before to help them out in return.
Aggregator gang
Feb 5, 2020
Wow, they said that the "FMC" Solve the problems of others, and the MC is doing the real job ._.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
@Ghostdevil Is she though? Seems to me like she's still looking down on people, it's just that she wants to make her school life a bit more bearable. Basically she wants 'friends' in order to use them. Can that really be called trying to fix things?
Apr 5, 2020
Shaking my head at literally all of this.

Apart from all of the other train wreck that is here, I want to just point out something. Himeko doesn't want to bother her friends with this. Cool, fine. Yet she knows it's a bother to Routa. So... Whatever.
Jan 18, 2018
Spoilers for Midori, from memory so some details might be off.

She doesn't quite look down on people, but she always tries to act in a way that benefits her family. Her problem is basically threefold. She is super shy and has low self-esteem, she absolutely sucks at socializing, and she feels the responsibility to act in a way that befits her family's position. Altogether this means she acts high and mighty because she thinks she should and doesn't have the confidence to step outside that comfort zone and try anything else.

Her dad sent her to a public school to try to get her to grow out of all of that, which she sort of realizes. But she doesn't feel like she should spend time with people that won't benefit her family, so she's always questioning what benefit there would be to her (and her family) if she spent time with them. She's not dissing people or even looking down on them, she's genuinely asking. She's just that bad at socializing. And when she freaks out about people being after her money or her body, she genuinely believes that based on past experience (and isn't even entirely wrong in this case). Note, she doesn't really care about wealth or anything (Fuuka isn't even remotely wealthy and they get along fine), she just judges people based on their perceived intrinsic value.

She made her request to Himeko not because she actually wants to get along with everyone, but because she's trying to make friends with Himeko but was too shy to just go up to her and ask to be friends. She wants to be friends with Himeko because she heard that Himeko is one of the two princesses so feels that of everyone at school Himeko is someone at a high enough level she has an excuse to make friends with. Midori also gets along with Fuuka for the same reason. She gets along with Routa because Himeko acknowledged him as her partner and becomes friends with him after he picks up paper for her. She doesn't really try to make friends with everyone despite her request because that's not actually her goal.

At the end of the day though, Midori is really just looking for any excuse to get along with people, which Routa sort of realizes. He tells Midori that Himeko is throwing a party with her "close friends" and that it's they're last attempt to help her make friends before giving up. Midori then gets along with everyone at the party because they're "close friends" (they're not really, but Midori doesn't know that) with Himeko and thus she can justify spending time with them and stuff.
May 1, 2018
So you think she has green hair, or just any natural colored hair w/ a green hair band?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Imagine being called Midorino Midori though.

@nbhstcqbvvpmacjrmv (dude, tagging you must be a nightmare without copypaste)
Don't forget, Himeko and Routa aren't "friends". (Because they're adorably stupid and socially awkward). They're "partners". So while their relationship is one most people would define as "friends" and Himeko clearly has at least some inkling of wanting to make it even closer, as far as either of them is concerned there's no contradiction here. Typical anime style relationships.
Group Leader
Oct 11, 2019
Honestly I don't blame her for the way she dealt with that one guy who kept pestering her about walking home with him, but other than that she's a definite oof from me
Aggregator gang
Aug 14, 2019
As a guy, "Boys are Boys" or "Boys will be Boys" pisses me off. No, we do not have the right to make you constantly feel uncomfortable due to our sex, and yes you can tell us to fuck off, and you should. Expecting you to put up with such behavior is an expectation stuck in the fucked up past. As a guy, actually no, as a HUMAN, you should be able to respect other people's wishes when it comes to themselves. But that's not the issue here is it, it's completely justifiable to be stern with the idiots who don't know how to take a hint, but people simply just don't like unjustified pretentious attitudes.

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