So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 7 Ch. 33.2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"They better give us a better reason than the whole 'muh special trait removes guilt' or I am tempted to drop this killing fest."
Jul 25, 2018
At least in the Webnovel the reason was more than good
Kumo is a reincarneted spider from the same classroom like all other and got the character of **** copied on herself so that she taught she was human
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Kumo is more than low-key being manipulated to not give a flying spiderweb about killing humans. Not just the lack of guilt, but also the other stuff like when she sent off the other selves to do the thing.

But yes, it's ALSO part of the cheap copout to get someone to seem evil without feeling they are evil and reap the drama.
May 1, 2018
Couldn't she try to hop in teleport with them. She did want to escape from there. ofc its kinda risky but I dont think after that massacre soldiers would try to fake fleeing and trap her with some OP monster.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
> killing humans is bad mmmkay... totally inhuman mmmmkay
> soldiers doing that daily in your super humanistic world and even being given medals for that
Mar 10, 2018
Let me guess, she is dragged in the teleport too and go to the human village where she became the protector goddess. ?
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
for MC's sake I hope this guy isn't as savy with the teleport based attacking as Goblin Slayer was...of course the fact he's opening the portal right behind his own party means it's either for escape or he's entirely given up getting out alive and switched to suicide tactics...or I suppose he could be opening a portal to summon help, but that would require a strong helper on standby and if they had someone like that, why didn't they just come along in the first place?
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
Oh boy where do I start? First this
muh special trait removes guilt
Yes "merciless" has something to do by removing her sense of guilt but in case you don't know "All that world is contructed on the idea of killing", all skills are battle oriented (skills like smithing or mining don't exist) and what's the direct poison to the whole idea behind that world? "Mercy". That Title was created to help the system to work as it was in designed.

Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Holy Virtues skill sets
Both skill sets are forbidden by the church on the human world, can you guess why?
Those are powerful (cheat) skills that
use your soul rather
than MP as source of energy, but even worse those skills transform the mind of the user to be extremist with that character trait. Let's see what is the worst sin? Pride.
Anger and Rage are permited because the user can turn off the skill to stop the effect but if your turn off the Sins and Virtues skills it don't stop them to erode your mind.
Even the Demon Lord of Kumo's time didn't dare to take Pride knowing it's dangerous effects, one of them being that the user start to see monster and people as nothing more than EXP sack (wait that happened on this chapter ?).

Kumo already have Heresy immunity to prevent further damage to her mind but it doesn't repair what is already done.

Kumo was bad (inmoral person) even before the reincarnation
Before the reincarnation Kumo was an antisocial girl with little to no empathy for anyone even her parent. And after the reincarnation she was more worried about her video game character than her parent. Even if she didn't killed anyone Kumo clearly showed the traits of a sociopath.
Let's see the symptom:
- Lack of empathy ✔ (No need to explain)
- Vision of distorted self-esteem (She's a hikkikomori with low self-esteem)
- Constant search for new sensations (She really wanted to be hit by those magics and the self-harm with her magic and thread)
- Dehumanization of the victims (The last scene with the monkeys, the execution of the seahorses and now this with the exp sacks)
- Lack of concern to the consequences (Taboo)
- Egocentrism (Not yet on the manga)
- Grandiose delusions (she's a hikkikomori but in her own words also a beautiful girl)
- High levels of impulsivity (the new idea of body-in charge that ended with the web on the lava and Kumo's butt on fire)
- Motivation for experiencing feelings of control and power (Not yet in the manga)
- Panic attacks (not yet in the manga)
- Schizophrenia
Oh boy what do we have here, Kumo shows almost all symptoms.

With all I have write is pretty obvious that the skills helped her to become what is know but also her moral compass was already broken since the start. Being a sociopath doesn't mean that she was marked to be a killer since the begining she was clearly inclined to commit immoral (or crimes) acts.
Feb 24, 2018
I hope spider girl can get some human friends eventually. I guess when this is all done with, she'll be eating those dead human bodies. D:
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
The translation is fine, this chapter came out yesterday at night. The translator is actually pretty fast to have the chapter in english in less than 12 hours.

The manga has a weird picture of teleport. In the Novel Teleport is portrayed as someone disappears from one place and appear on other (like dragon ball), not a gate you have to cross to reach the destination.

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