Solo Leveling

Jul 22, 2018
My Opinion The best so far 2018 :
1. Perles Dad, Volcanig Age, Solo Levl
2. Others,....

The reason, non stop action. ^^
Aug 21, 2018
wow so many chapters uploaded today. cool! i have some issues with the pacing of this, he's getting too strong too fast, but otherwise... it's pretty good!
Dec 16, 2018
Spoiler Alert! The below information is what I got by reading machine translations of the novel found in this website. Just type https before the link in brackets. (comrademao[dot com] {slash}mtl {slash}solo-leveling). Chapter 60 of the novel is chapter 49 in the manga. So go read from there if you are too excited to know what happens next in the story and can't seem to wait for the manga chapters like me! ^.^
The A rank hunter is just another soon to be dead person to be added to mc's shadow army. He will also add a giant ice-bear and some magic creatures to his collection and level up his knights. Mc also has a hidden skill which allows him to understand and talk to boss monsters. There is a hint that the dungeons are just like in games where the boss monsters have a certain set dialogues and actions, so the NPCs(monsters), dungeons, and even mc's player system must have been designed by a person/God who might be the main antagonist or an overseer who is watching every action of mc. (This is purely a speculation of mine so don't quote me on that). There is gonna be an epic battle between mc (with his shadow army) and the ice elves while the other hunters just chill and party with the mc providing them with bear meat and clothes purchased from his store. After killing the boss, he gets a new dagger which is A class. The mc definitely tries to add the elf boss to his collection but I am not sure at this moment if he was successful or not. Have to read more of the novel. Also, after exiting the dungeon, there is no fight with the S class brother as most people are speculating. But the fact that our mc is bad-ass and might have received a special kind of awakening comes to be known by the hunter guilds but this information is not shared with the public. This red gate dungeon is speculated to be rank S, and the survivors' testimonies all state that the mc single-handedly cleared the dungeon in a short time shocked pretty much everybody. The next arc sets in America I think. Also, the little bit of the novel I have read is giving me some sort of harem vibes too, so let's see!
Dec 11, 2018
Thank you! Love the spoiler summary. And no not being sarcastic. Thanks indeed. This just makes me love this more than now.
Because it made no sense his power remained hidden for so long, the White Tiger Guild came to realize that so soon all others would as well.

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