Now that's a very hard to predict situation. Using all of my extensive mango experience I'm going to bet on the extremely slim possibility that he could possibly run away. But let me stress just how unlikely this outcome is. After all, it almost never happens...
I'm confused. As far as I remember, the only big problem with the WN ending was the childhood friend sticking with the hero; however, considering that that is the entire premise of the story, I don't really think the readers would mind it that much (as we have way better girls and nobody is considering her a harem member in the first place). Or am I missing/forgetting something?
@Fuko Also gotta consider that shonen manga harem probably has its own separate definition. Or should. Well, I read this for Meer and the op shenanigans, not the mc himself so meh.
another case of an isekai mc getting STD, never understood the appeal of prostitutes in these manga's while the guy has so many better options to choose from