Southern Bird and Northern Bird - Ch. 38 - Food stealing sparrow

Sep 18, 2020
Wait what? I always thought bird ate grains (and insect).... since bacon is a bad diet for sparrow, can brant eat bacon? (He said he's vegan but really?)
Nov 2, 2019
@winterflower18 Brants can eat aquatic insects and worms I believe, but mostly eat plants. Not sure why the author called them vegan, especially since I think he's eaten bread before and bread is made with butter..? If the author had said vegetarian it would make a little more sense.

His beak is poorly equipped to eat bacon anyway, he'd probably end up choking if he didn't eat soften it with water.
Jan 18, 2018

Different birds eat different things. Just as with all the other really large animal families.

Geese are apparently mostly herbivores, though the notes on Brant Geese (which is what our big friend is) on Wikipedia are kind of fascinating: Apparently they traditionally mostly eat seagrass (at least on the nothern end of their migration?) but some groups have been adapting to changing ecosystems by, for instance, moving inland and eating stuff other geese eat.

I gather that the diet of sparrows in China in particular, on the other hand, is a matter of some recent-ish human historical importance, because early communist China tried to go on an extensive campaign to drive them to extinction, as they were considered "pests" that ate rice. This, like many such heavy-handed ecological interventions, went very poorly XD because they also eat a good number of rice-pest insects, notably including locusts—and so yeah, plagues of locusts, fun times. o_o;

Which is to say sparrows, at least, are indeed the sort of grain/insect omnivore birds you're thinking of.

But there's also obviously carnivores; the various birds of prey: Hawks, owls, vultures, kingfishers, penguins... (There's probably something that only eats insects, but I don't know what it is.)

(You would expect sparrows to be the better bacon-eaters of the two, then, incidentally, but who knows; I certainly don't. If they're kept as pets in China as much as is implied in this comic, presumably someone knows though.)
Sep 18, 2020
@iskaeil ohhh :eek: I see, so the beak can be the reason too. For the vegan part then I assume it's because he wants the sparrow to eat it and no need to worry about him

@Pokari they sure amazing to change their diet due to change of environment ♡ it was kind of surprised me that geese (mainly) eat plant (as like hawk, penguin, owl, I thought a larger avis breed will eat mainly meat while a tiny like sparrow will eat grain or try to seep honey from flower)

Thank you for both of you for kindly responding to my question ♡♡

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