But she somehow dont see anything wrong with the b*tch talking shit and treating Mashiro like shit, somehow dont understand why Masshiro dont want her to see the b*tch anymore and somehow gets mad like a little brat at Mashiro because she doesnt want to say the most obvious thing Nagisa should easily see herself right after Nagisa refuse to tell Mashiro something…But I enjoyed Nagisa just not taking seriously anything that girl said other than thinking what exactly Mashiro might be thinking right now.
yeah her glasses keep dissapearing when she's seen from the front, and it kind of sucks I wanna her with glasses on.On page 12 Ootsuki is wearing glasses in the top panel then they're missing in the bottom panel. Like she could have taken them off but it's weird they didn't show it if like 1 second went by on that page. Not a big deal but it's bugging me
No, her Junior was just being petty. She didn't have any issue with Nagisa's appearance. Her problems with Nagisa was because Nagisa was going to a different (inferior in her junior's opinion) school, that she was with Mashiro (another, in the opinion of her junior, inferior option), and that she was focused on other priorities besides just study. In short, her junior placed Nagisa on a pedestal with expectations of how Nagisa was supposed to act and do, and Nagisa failed to meet said expectations, and therefore she's "uncool" in her junior's eyes.maybe this will end-up with nagisa back to her black hair and glasses appearance just like before
and kinda be more honest about herself since in my hunch, i cant help but feel she kinda forcing it
thats why the junior feels she is uncool right now