Thanks for the chapter, looking forward for more !
@ScarecrowB Close, but nah, probably only an icon that's supposed to represent one of the contractees. My guess (since it's a ring AND 72 contracts) is that it must be one of the 72 Solomon's demons representation, now which...
Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it and I really wish I can read the next chapter already. Thank you translators. RESPECT!
@Milanin@LongNameIncoming no, ppl don't generalize like that. A few idiots that are fanatics might do that and fights between groups of fans might occur but the common follower don't go down to xenophobic crimes.
@jokerxhisoka I think you need to be more in touch with reality...
Ever look at how people were treating Asians after they found out that the virus spread from China?
Then tell me that people don't generalise like that.