What was the point of writing out what it means when we both are aware of it already? My point was that some people are unwilling to let their suspension of disbelief go that far when it reaches the point it takes them out of the story due to a very blunt plot hole. It's not hard to think why should I be invested in these tricks, this manga's biggest selling point (in the sense of what makes it stand out), when the execution of some is so questionable you'd have to be in a coma not to notice things everywhere to nitpick. I personally can roll with quite a lot and don't even care much but I can also acknowledge and understand why other peeps are like nah fam wtf I out.
Again ?. You think this is the only trick I've speculated on? I was replaying to your and the other peep's conversation did ya also want me to write a essay on ALL the things that I think are handled not so great instead of staying on point with what you 2 were saying? xD Also you're messing a very big point... the means of how he got to that world are fantastical and as of yet completely unknown and I don't see any problem with that. I can suspend my belief easily because there's no info about how that happened yet meaning there's no info we're given to nitpick or question the logic of. That however is the only fantasy anything in the whole series so far based on some historical facts it tries to present among other things to make it clear that it's trying to portray the world he's in as a non magical realistic one on the whole. (well, not incredibly realistic because of some characters but for the world itself yes) My ramble is basically trying to say that with the context of the world's logic it makes the holes worse because the suspense people give fantasy worlds is far greater than "historical worlds" were it's harder for people to buy things simply because with a better understanding of it compared to hey look dragons!

there's more holes to be found.
And no. Why would I believe that being the very best like there never was!

has ANY correlation to how much time he has in any given situation to get things done and sources which no longer have anything to do with the modern era and instead depend mostly on what he has at any given time in that old a$$ world? He has experience and his "staff" are basically superhuman at their craft which would certainly speed things up but they sadly lack the true superpowers to be THAT efficient. Less peeps would care about any of that if we actually SAW how everything went down WHILE it was going down instead of everything being reveled and seemingly having gone exactly juuuust~ in a few pages. rn all the tricks executions feel way too convenient to work with the world's own currently established logic without a hiccup of some sort.
Dam this be long I'm waaaay too bored tonight.... btw as ranty as this long a$$ ramble sounds I actually don't care enough about this manga's shortcomings to stop reading it or enjoying it. It's just a cute lil' manga with waifus and that's all it has to be for me. .....Pizza time! <3