Maybe it's just the copium but I hope that not all the worlds suffered the same fate as the first or that as Ed continued his journey, he was able to help the later worlds more. Maybe by the 100th world, Ed had learned so much about guiding the parties that they actually end up winning with just his guidebooks.
Good luck in making 100 parties for the 100 worlds author-san.
I'm expecting they'll skip most of those though and just focus on ones where the hero party failed.
from what i last seen in the novel his revisit mainly focus on the case the heroes failed since after clearing another world (which i forgot the number) he skip some world which make him confused and many of us think that he is just going to revisit the one that the hero failed to kill the demon lord
yup every world has different hero and have different mechanic too for example one of the world he visit has a dogkin as a hero while the other world has rpg mechanic in it which you are fine to break in to someone house and breake their pots
Well.. they usually add a lot of details when publishing the LN from the WN.
Honestly though, sometimes I prefer the WN version of stories.
The one that really got to me was the changes for Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka!?
Kumoko's much more ruthless and selfish in the WN than in the LN. And I preferred the way she had her final evolution better in the WN. Probably mainly coz Pottymas wasn't involved.