Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Decapitation

Active member
May 24, 2019
You can't even keep up with the schedule of your own manga, but you're going after manga that already have chapters out by another group? That's fucked.
Group Leader
Mar 10, 2020
@Xel7 hello! As it says at the end, when Royal Nobody was looking for a jtl, I got to them a lil late, so I let them know I'd be releasing my own version (bc I FUCKING LOVE HORROR AND YURI 😍), and they're cool with it.

I'm focusing on starting on ch 4, but to avoid 'sniping,' I put out all the previous chapters as well....

as for my schedule, yeah it's fucked, but I also only do this for fun
Group Leader
Aug 11, 2020
@thelilwitch hey, royal nobody here, who did you contact about this? cause the translator i found when i told you i found one went into hibernation or something and i had to found a new one two days ago.

if you're gonna keep working on it i might as well have the translator work on a different series
Active member
May 24, 2019
@Thelilwitch If you're just doing this for fun, does that mean other teams can go ahead and take on the series that you're slow on? I have a couple of guys that I could easily commission to get those chapters out faster, but they don't want to step on groups like your's toes. If you're just doing it for fun, it shouldn't be a problem, yeah?
Group Leader
Mar 10, 2020
@fsaddfsa it was actually you 2 months ago,
part of it
"Oh now that I look at it again, I think I’m gonna do it as a side projecto for practice, since almost all my major projects will be finished when I release my Yuri bomb (got like 12? Different series).

Like, my translations are average, and I’m probably not gonna around to working on it for a while, so it’s probably just gonna be u releasing and then me like 3 weeks later, I just wanna have some fun with it"
"i don't really mind as long as the translations are readable."

etc, you can check them

so imma just work on this, tho im not trying to snipe or anything (ive been planning on putting out up to 4 straight away, but made sure to do 1-3 so im not, like, taking over
Group Leader
Aug 11, 2020
@Thelilwitch but that was when i asked you for help translating hare no kuni apparedan...

"also, are you interested in translating ?

i have the raws and i was going to translate them but then the sight with the chinese raws went down so i'm just stuck with the raws with no script."


Damn I need to look for more I fucking love horror and Yuri, I bet I’ve been missing a bunch"

and then it was what you quoted. you never got back to me on hare no kuni and the chinese site came bck up so i did em.
Group Leader
Mar 10, 2020
@fsadddfsa Imma fucking idiot, rereading everything lmao.

oh yeah, thought u were fine about satsuki, so ive gotten through #4 and started work on #5 (as in, fine with me doing my own satsuki etc, which is what i was talking about and messaged u about in the first place

as for hare, i completely fucking forgot about it, that's completely on me, i forgot to write it down. I completely flaked, and now feel like shit. I've been meaning to reorganize my manga sheets, imma do it today

what u want to do about satsuki? i plan to work on it bc I fucking love horror + yuri, but if u wanna make me wait like 2 weeks to put a ch up/let the readers see all of your stuff rather than mine, something like that? 🤔 or fine as is? whatever u want my guy, u were the one that showed me this series.

oh btw, csmith mentioned u were considering kinsei no reveal? do what u want, but they asked me to do it b4, and they paid for the raws, so i plan to do it for them, up in a day or two
Group Leader
Aug 11, 2020
@Thelilwitch do what you want with satsuki, i'm still asking the translator i found if he/she wants to keep going or not. but i'll still keep working on it if the translator wants to

as for kinsei no reveal: i'm gonna work on it regardless of whether you are or not.
Aug 28, 2020
If she come to Brazil, she will see one corpse every corner with one bullet in their head.
Active member
Aug 5, 2024
this gives me Qualia the Purple vibes, or maybe I just really like Qualia the Purple

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