Knight Run

Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
@Bad_Vader thanks for the TLDR, a bit hard to understand at first and the amount of chapter s=is already so much
so is there an actual main protagonist, or it has many protagonist?
Group Leader
Oct 26, 2018
There's a main protagonist but there's also the supporting casts which are also equally as important. In fact I'd say the supporting casts (as of the current english TL) are impacting the story much more than the main protagonist.

As for the length of the story, you can break it down into its arcs which by themselves can be read as an independent but connected story except the most current one since it deals with the aftermath of the previous arcs.

Pray arc- chap 1-76
Village arc- chap 77-169 Webtoons Translated it here ->
Hero arc- chap 170-196
Knightfall arc - chap 197-current TL
Apr 27, 2020
Is Literal_Genie going to bridge the gap between chapter 83 and 170?
Group Leader
Oct 26, 2018
There's no need for that webtoons have those specific chapters.
Sep 22, 2018
Holy crap this series needed an editor so hard! Those first fifteen chapters...I fell asleep trying to read them. Not joking. So much technobabble. So much flashing to past and present with no signposting/very little difference in character design.

This story starts way too early. The main 76 chapters is supposed to be about Pray vs Anne. That could have been set up in 3 chapters. Not 15. Not to encourage writing in fear of cancellation, but you can tell that this is the worst of the Webtoon style of pacing. I rated this a 5, as in average, and dropped at chapter 79.

I was barely hanging on for the end of the Anne/Pray conflict, which I did think was well done and touching, but too little too late.

This series shows off the danger of enjoying worldbuilding scifi too much, because it is extremely hard to get through, and by the time it tries to roll on into its next arc I am more than ready to jump off! I'm too scared of the slow pacing to get a whole new cast and series of problems laid out.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Apr 8, 2019
Criminally underrated. Could use a redraw and some editing, but the series as a whole is genuinely good.
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@TowerOfGod isn't that one of the things that defines sci-fi genre? If you don't like detailed world building you might as well read stories about magic, since those are focused on the story and the world is just an afterthought. That is why I don't like them btw - their world feel too shallow and it is hard to immerse yourself in a puddle.
Active member
Nov 3, 2018
I actually enjoy artists finding their own style (and god modern shit looks so samey it hurts) so that's a plus for me. The story is nice, bit weak for a space opera but still very enjoyable. Like BrotherOwl said though, underrated to hell. It hurts to see LINE dropped this and so few people see this. Remember kids, browsing random for a day gives you gold, and searching for tags will find you platinum. I'm begging you here, don't just put this in your reading then never check it. I've made that mistake with so much content it's unbelievable. Get to chapter 20 and see if you wanna keep reading. Our artist has been hard at work for over a decade, it's got over 500 chapters on naver and that's only gonna grow. It's definitely worth a shot.

Learning Korean just to read this was totally worth it.
Jul 16, 2020
Oml, this series is really great and all but there’s one part about the entire series that keeps pissing me off

How many fucking times have humanity said “age of humans” only for the next chapter they get fucked, LIKE the freaking 15KM shit that was supposed to be great got destroyed, and the fact they keep introducing people when humanity almost fell into extinction multiple times, like hello???? where tf were you when this was happening, then you got fleets being destroyed in less than a second, how tf is humanity continuing to supply knights, ships, and soldiers out of thin air, then this latest chapter we got 4 strong ships and knights that have a beamless shield? Like I can’t explain the amount of times where everybody just dies in one chapter.
Jun 4, 2020
This still exists? For so many years I totally forgot about it. First korean manga I’ve ever read.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 27, 2021
It's still ongoing? I thought this series ended with 'A village where you are' arc on Webtoon

Could somebody kindly explain?
Group Leader
Oct 26, 2018
TLDR; Knight Run is very niche so gets low views. Low views means its not worth translating as far as webtoons is concerned.
TLDR on the story; its the aftermath and the effects of the pray war and the galaxy. AL vs the northern order, also Anne is there doing Anne stuff.
Mar 18, 2019

"Official" scans get their money either by views or by paywalling. If the series is not lucrative enough to justify its translation, they simply drop it and call it a day.
Apr 27, 2020
For the people wondering where 83-169 are, you can read the webtoon up to 169, which was discontinued at the end of season 2. Then you pick up with the afterward and the start of 170 (season 3) on MangaDex.

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