... And what would be wrong with just telling them about the 7% thing? "We have to culturally strip naked and run through the streets before bathing" .... really? As opposed to "I need to stay close to you so the world isn't destroyed by dimensional distortion".
And just how much of an influence do you suppose clothing is going to have? Hmm?
Rather than holding hands at arm's length, he could have gone fully clothed while linked arm in arm with them.
Then they could have got to the bath-house without any stupid fucking lies.
Or perhaps the apartment that is so fucking special could have been rebuilt to be a more appropriate embassy so they wouldn't have to go through such mindless nonsense.
At the fucking least if they could empty the streets of people enough to allow three to run NAKED all the way to the bath-house, they could have put a fucking rudimentary bath-tub outside the apartment.
This manga is SO badly written.
The art is great, which is odd... but the whole premise of both chapters so far has been so unbelievably stupid I can't imagine how anyone honestly submitted this without dying of shame.
Was it supposed to be funny or something? If so, they forgot to add the humour.