Basically, the gods on the anti-Van side found out what he did to the army that attacked him while talking about another dangerous guy. The emperor from the enemy empire that worships these gods wants Van, but was told no and he gave up.Can somebody explain what's happening i'm too tired to think
they're ally right? niceBasically, the gods on the anti-Van side found out what he did to the army that attacked him while talking about another dangerous guy. The emperor from the enemy empire that worships these gods wants Van, but was told no and he gave up.
Lastly, the guys those gods were talking about are revealed and turned out to be on the same side as Van, in other words Vida’s side and want to meet him but can’t yet.
I think Zod usually looks normal when he's not doing his thing.Man, I thought Schneider and Zod were bigger :c...
but I'm satisfied with the muscles for now.
The fact that this manga is monthly does not do it any good with the jumps and information between arcs :/
What's weird is he's only half elf, you'd think they'd be smaller.Disgusting knife ears. I don't know why but I feel the emperor has the most disgusting knife ears I've ever seen.