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  • Try being less of a bitch and not stalking peoples' profiles when they think your arguments suck after you:
    • treat reality like a movie,
    • scream "SUBJECTIVE!" while hypocritically appealing to the opinions of made-up peasants,
    • ramble unintelligibly for paragraphs,
    • project your own illiteracy,
    • not only use but defend the most sophomoric logical fallacies, and
    • forget that universities even exist.
    It really proves that you're the "weak willed prick", to use your own words.
    • Angry
    Reactions: FKW_ll
    I'm glad I checked my profile, because there's no way I would've seen your comment. Thanks for reminding me of your naive arguments. Good memories, they were :D
    It seems like he blocked me lolololol
    Do not go into other user's profiles and start conflict.
    Thanks for reminding me of your naive arguments.
    Yes, yes, I'm so "naive" for... understanding the difference between reality and fiction. Is "naive" just a word you've had thrown against you in the past that you think magically wins arguments?
    It seems like he blocked me lolololol
    Wow, what a shocker, you say stupid shit and harass people, you get blocked. You new to the internet or something? You think you're entitled to the attention of people you've already proven you have nothing of value to say to?
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