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  • Thepandas12
    and also god damn manga with their glitchy edit comment button, I cannot remove that cursed emoji.
    About the bug where you can't edit your comment while it has a emoji:
    You can fix this by just rewriting the emoji with the emoticon version and it'll allow you to edit so :p = : p (Remove the space between and it'll make the emoji.)
    Another example would be :huh: = : huh : (Just remove the spaces and it'll make the emote.)
    That's not the problem, it's when a comment has a Link to it, most of the time it won't let you edit the comment.

    It's been an issue for me, say if I wanted to "edit in another link" or something, or correct a word, it won't let me at all so no matter how much I try to change the word or remove it or change it, it won't let me so it's stuck.

    If you go check one of my older posts where telling someone where a pfp is from, discord removed the image and X'd the image, now I cannot remove it due to there being a link, so it'll give me an error no matter what.
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