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  • wtf I'm back.
    randomly checked the website today.
    Contacting staff? About what hmmm? Looks like we got a snitch on our hands boys.

    Yello my little french fry! Here's a link my french teacher shared with us to learn french (and also japanese!)
    • Wow
    Reactions: NotGary
    my god, I remember my teachers used to use that website to teach us grammar and all.
    would recommend, it worked
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    Reactions: vmman
    started my internship at a hospital today.
    weeks where I start the afternoon shift are def going to be the worst cause I finish at 19h30, meaning that by the time I get back, it's way too late for me to draw stuff.
    back to normal now.
    anyways, have the legio started autism diagnosis
    (they undiagnosed but everybody's pretty sure)
    woahh.. But.. What I mean is.. The story behind your purple face, like why it must be purple? Is it ur fav colour? Or what? Haha sorry for my curiosity 🤭🤭

    He's purple in the mini games because it's in the style of old 2600 games. He's a shadowy figure. Those old games usually only had a black backdrop so for anything that was supposed to be dark/shadowy you would use purple or something to make it not blend into the background.
    @DavidianMillerian sooo Mr. Shadow Dave, why you chose the purple guy? Did he represent you that much? Hahahaha this girl's curiosity will continue like forever. 😅🤭 sorryyy
    will probs go back to my og pfp after the 31st.

    so might as well post part of Darra's character sheet and call it a general QnA about her.
    so yeah, ask me anything regarding eitheir how I draw or any of my characters and I'll probs answer it (it's probs gonna get retconned over a few years, unless I actually write a book with them in it)

    didn't expect philosophy class to talk about the sigma male today.
    • Drink
    Reactions: athayanezant
    Omg why do I listening to this while working? 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks anyway for these new educational video 🥲

    Edit : ...and I finished the video 🤦🏻‍♀️ I giggled too much for some words he chosen and think, what kind of bullsht is this? This is interesting. I must subscribe to his channel asap 😂🤭

    who tf started the : "dbz fan mangas are straight ass" hate train, it's like the most kino arc I've seen in years.
    call me a grinch but, man do I hate seeing tweeter artist complaining about how they don't get alot of likes on stuff they draw.
    like, sure I kinda get it, but also, you're supposed to be there for the love of the game itself, besides, take it as adding some humble pie to your diet (always remember to keep that ego in check), can't hurt you, unlike being a lol-cow or one of those miserable, talentless guys who are only known for 1 thing.
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    I think it's more of a comparative type of thing like, I put so much effort into this and this other person is getting more attention, u can kinda see where they're coming from if the work they believe they put in is more than the work they think the people they are comparing themselves to put in. But yeah it does kind of come off as insecure about your own art

    writing this at like 1 am srry for grammar
    @Blocky_Mudkip (eh, don't worry about the grammar, it's the internet, not a professional email), way I see it, a good internet reputation is an endurance work that you need to build up over years, besides, you really don't want it to happen to you overnight. then again, it might be just me that sees it differently, but personally, I think it's better to not make numbers, for a long time, gives you time to reflect on your skills and stuff.
    you may know of Ronnie Coleman, but do you know who's the actual strongest bodybuilder ?
    (I don't beleive he died, he simply grew bored, unchallenged and dissipated into the aether one day, legends say he'll come back for one last challenge)
    gay moral dilemma tbh. the kid is eitheir guilty of a crime that warrants infinite suffering (likely as some sort of divine punishment, cause tbh, it's only really under a religious/spiritualist system that you can conceive of a utopia in the first place) or he isn't upset about being left out and is happily suffering for everyone's sake (think something akin to Jesus dying on the cross or the ending to I have no mouth and I must scream).
    eitheir way, I don't see how that kid being unhappy is supposed to be some kind of hyper immoral thing tbh.
    like dude, this utopia on top of having a way out you can access, it also brings it's own sense of suffering (which, if the mouse utopia is anything to go by, at the very least ensures most people don't become rapist cannibals out of boredom)

    tldr: evil kid gets punished by god, everyone else wins, this is somehow a problem.
    (btw, had to separate this into 2 cause apparently the limit for messages is 600 letters, anyways, y'all feel free to discuss philosophy, I kinda like it)

    maybe this weird gay german guy wasn't all senseless yappin after all. cause he kinda makes sense.
    @Justice88 Freud was the guy every psychologist hated and who had a mommy kink. Nietzche was the other one.
    Freud was the eel guy and Nietzsche is the atheist guy

    Revolutionary Era really spawning all sort of people
    "what's a fella gotta do to get some eel dick ?" -professor Sam, from the sam-onella academy
    it's over bulkbros, no more cheat meals anymore (never really liked them anyways, I always felt bloated after one)
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    Bulking up is good if there is a gym in your neighborhood or you have trap bar with weights at home. Otherwise you will be uh... fat.

    me explaining why I had to exterminatus all those aliens (none of them were the sexy humanoid type)
    added a profile banner and changed my pfp for the month.
    (will probs rotate between a few for the month)
    • Like
    Reactions: BakedBanana
    Did you draw your profile banner? Because it looks pretty sick. Good job!
    I mean yeah, I did, I personally don't think it looks too good (especially based on the screenshot I took, but considering how much I fuck up backgrounds, this one isn't half bad)
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