Recent content by alpalin

  1. alpalin

    Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - Vol. 8 Ch. 85 - He will receive divine retribution

    Never mind divine retribution, Momo-chan got him. :dogkek:
  2. alpalin

    Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - Vol. 7 Ch. 65 - Now it's time for punishment

    Pro gamer squad stream sniping you. Now thats gonna be hell. :02:
  3. alpalin

    Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - Vol. 7 Ch. 63 - I'm learning everyday

    Selfish a**hole, hope he fails. :pout:
  4. alpalin

    Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru - Vol. 6 Ch. 61 - Are you having trouble sleeping?

    2:45am and they say night just started. I would just call the police on them. My neighborly tolarance only last untill 12am. Inconsiderate jerks. :haa: If that doesn't work time to put my speakers to wall and blast music. :dogkek:
  5. alpalin

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 286 - Chase After Her!

    I really wanna see how things led up to him fluffing the aunt.
  6. alpalin

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 285 - Ah!!!!

    Ok, but imagine the level of fluff. :qq:
  7. alpalin

    Gal ni Yasashii Otaku-kun - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

    She was better with black hair.
  8. alpalin

    Isekai Koushoku Musou Roku ~Isekai Tensei no Chie to Chikara o, Tada Hitasura ✕✕✕✕ Suru Tame ni Tsukau~ - Ch. 33 - The Truth

    WTF, leave the dude's wife alone. That guy already depressed don't add NTR to his problems. :notlikethis:
  9. alpalin

    Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou - Ch. 16 - The Feelings of the Other Side

    Then, are we gonna say goodby to Tia then ? :meguuusad: I wish he could take her with him but It seems unlikely.
  10. alpalin

    Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita - Vol. 11 Ch. 53 - The Second Rescue Plan

    Yep, I was right. By the way dumb of them to not apprehend that guy before talking about it...
  11. alpalin

    Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita - Vol. 10 Ch. 49 - Black Beast vs Black Fang

    This is just a guess but I think elder dude was a traitor bait. Probably mustache guy is the real traitor.