
  • he/fae/tiger
    • DO NOT use she, they, or it pronouns for me
  • 25 year old black southern USAmerican
  • nonbinary genderhoarding trans man, do not use feminine terms/terms generally used for women or pet names on or with me ever! even as a joke! i will block you!
  • mainly here for BSD discussion and whatnot
  • mori is my favorite character in BSD
    • i am open to genuine, open discussion on him, especially if i initiate, and you're free to ask me NICELY why i like him, but if you're only doing so with the intention of being rude, cruel, or otherwise mean to me, i'll block you
    • i don't believe bsd mori is canonically a pedophile or a child predator, and i'm willing to explain why i believe that, but let it be known this is less of an opinion of mine and more of something i'm firmly in the camp of "this is just a canonical fact" so if you're going to try to argue he's canonically like that you're in the wrong place. idc if you want to believe that but i'm not going to
  • fukumori is my BSD OTP and the one ship i care about over all others. if you wanna talk about them with me, please be my guest!
  • i have an insane amount of OCs, fandomless and otherwise, but specifically for BSD, i have at current count 420 fancharacters contained within a single canon-divergent fanwork series
    • most of them are next generation characters aka fankids/fanchildren/shipkids/lovechildren/whatever the kids are calling them these days we just called me fankids mostly, and i'm incapable of shutting up about them. most of my fics are set in that universe too and there's links in my bio to learn more
  • i'm mainly a BSD fanfic writer right now but i have written for other fandoms in the past, most of which i still love and am in, it's just not my current hyperfix
September 21
in your dad's house turning him gay



