Recent content by Cleotis

  1. C

    Flying Witch - Vol. 10 Ch. 59 - Work in the city

    Thanks to FreakofNature for clarifying that part. I was on my third re-read when I spotted that and had no idea what was going on.
  2. C

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 7 Ch. 50

    What a nice Christmas present! It was really good to see professional Marin-chan, having gotten used to seeing school-chan and the various cosplay-chans. That girl is drawn in such a distinctively lovely way while still being recognizably her. A great chapter, though I was expecting round 2...
  3. C

    Asahina Wakaba & Her Chubby-Chubby Boyfriend - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

    I think I've heard of an opera with this sort of plot. If there isn't one, there ought to be.
  4. C

    Mai no Mushigurashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 15 - Silverleaf Whitefly

    I knew it was coming -- how could it not? Even so, it was so sad to see. It was handled so well (in my opinion) it was also beautiful as well.😥 A last view of his life in the field, a last lesson for his child to follow. A ftting end to a life lived to its last moment.
  5. C

    Flying Witch - Vol. 10 Ch. 58 - Family reunion after 4 months, multiplying best friend

    I agree with Serenata: a new chapter puts my heart at ease. Particularly in this case as it comes the day before my birthday. A little happier to make up for being a little older.
  6. C

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 4 Ch. 48

    I wouldn't be making predictions about anything at this point. This could go a lot of different ways, and so far the series hasn't (in my opinion) been all that predictable. I think things will get interesting with this new arc. Certainly the MC's reaction to his new seat mate was...
  7. C

    Flying Witch - Vol. 10 Ch. 57 - Fellow travelers, compassion for the cats

    Makoto's gotten better at making up tales on the fly. In an earlier chapter she tells Akira that she isn't good at lying (the hot springs chapter where they encounter the reporter) but she's apparently matured a little if she can come up with a fib like that. I hope next chapter we get to meet...
  8. C

    Rakushou! Hyper Doll - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Glutton From Outer Space

    Sounds good to me. I remember those as really artistic and beautiful hentai productions. I wish you luck with that.
  9. C

    War's Unwomanly Face - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Thank you for your hard work on this manga. Your translation is a labor of love -- this comes through clearly -- and is much appreciated, as the comments have indicated. Please keep at it!
  10. C

    Rakushou! Hyper Doll - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Glutton From Outer Space

    God, I remember reading the first three volumes of this from Ironcat so many years ago. It was one of my first magic girl(s) series and I really enjoyed what little I was able to get of it. Studio Ironcat rode the early 90s anime/manga wave and also put out some high quality henti (Senno...
  11. C

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 6 Ch. 46

    One day (soon, I hope) he'll realize how lucky he is. Marin is beautiful in more ways than one, and is obviously head over heals for him. Can't wait to see how it all works out.😀
  12. C

    Kouchuugun Shikan Boukensha ni Naru - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Battle Plan

    I really appreciate your work on this manga. It has an interesting story and engaging characters. Its a fun read. As far a release schedule is concerned, I think monthly is better for me. Short though frequent releases might seem better for retaining the story line, but I think the chopping...
  13. C

    Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga - Vol. 7 Ch. 31 - Home

    I thought we would have to wait a month (or months!) for a new chapter, so I was shocked to find one so early. Thanks so much for the hard work. Considering our girl is single-handedly dragging Japan into the 17th Century, no wonder she's a little tired. Not to mention having to serve so...
  14. C

    Flying Witch - Vol. 9 Ch. 54 - The two deva kings are gourmets

    I loved the attention to detail and atmosphere in the backgrounds for this chapter. I really enjoy the fact that this is set in a area other than Tokyo or an other urban area, and the scenes really reflect that. I wonder what the future holds for our spectral couple, and how their romance will...
  15. C

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 5 Ch. 38

    Kaduurrrj: I suspect they will accept him. Remember the first chapter, where one of her friends describes Marin cutting a guy off at the knees for hitting on her and asking if she's a big otaku? Given her rep for dealing with guys, I suspect everyone will be amazed and convinced that her...