Recent content by deleucia

  1. deleucia

    My Life as an Internet Novel - Ch. 84

    still unsure with how I feel about ruda, I feel this arc will decide it for me...
  2. deleucia

    Trash of the Count's Family - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

    holy-- Cage looks way cooler than I ever imagined her looking. But it makes sense given her relationship with the church and its God lol I was always imagining her looking like a tropey priest too. This design is great :>
  3. deleucia

    A Capable Maid

    In all the chapters theres only a handful of memorable things happening, everything else is just meh.... So fricking forgettable or plainly just doesn't make sense. Even the fl is uniteresting besides her power, her character feels half baked and boring, personality is bland and at this point i...
  4. deleucia

    The Live

    Dang this hits