Recent content by doutatsu

  1. doutatsu

    Taiga of Genesis

    Did this get dropped by the scans team? Raws are up to Chapter 114 now
  2. doutatsu

    Taiga of Genesis - Ch. 112 - Vow of a Desperate Mission

    Would that be possible to tag such chapters with (LQ) or something - I don't want to read low quality scans, so having a quick way to check would be great
  3. doutatsu

    Taiga of Genesis - Ch. 109 - Recapruting The Western Fortress

    Dropped by to read reactions to cool fights and civilization building. Ended up stumbling on some delusional person talking about patriarchy 😩 Wasn't on my bingo card, that's for sure. Anyways, as a sucker for country-building series, I look forward to them building one. I hope we'll see past...
  4. doutatsu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 17 Ch. 168 - Their Aquarium

    Thanks for the release - was really annoyed to see you get sniped, was waiting for this, the actual good release
  5. doutatsu

    Shin Elf-san wa Yaserarenai - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Ancient Threats (Part 2)

    Wasn't asking you to scan everything from scratch - but just keep the monochrome ones. I'll make the new entry and if you could upload them there, instead of removing them completely, that'd be awesome. Also sounds like I should go pick up a volume to see everything up till now in glorious...
  6. doutatsu

    Shin Elf-san wa Yaserarenai - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Ancient Threats (Part 2)

    I didn't realise there was a monochrome version! Can we keep these - split into a separate monochrome version of this series? I much prefer monochrome to the coloured version...
  7. doutatsu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 16 Ch. 160 - Wish

    Sensei ship is becoming less and less likely... but I shall go down with it, no matter what. Sensei best girl :qq:
  8. doutatsu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 16 Ch. 159 - The Devil and the Angel of Death

    Sensei still the best girl 😎 Remove all the obstacles for the one true ship, you go girl
  9. doutatsu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 15 Ch. 149 - Downfall

    Goddamit, I just want this to be the real, happy ending. I am going down with sensei ship no matter what :(
  10. doutatsu

    We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 7 Ch. 36 - Student and Teacher

    The raws seem to be quite low quality. Hopefully, they'll get fixed up in the future, so I'll be waiting till then before picking this up again. I really miss reading this series though
  11. doutatsu

    Kingdom - Ch. 754 - A Moment To Rejoice

    Imagine sniping a series that has been consistently translated by the same group... for years. Not to mention, translating from French and not Japanese. What a horrendous snipe...
  12. doutatsu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 14 Ch. 130 - Silent River

    lol what redemption?! She totally got what she deserved, I didn't think he actually killed her, but I am so glad she finally paid for her crimes
  13. doutatsu

    Wagamama Oujo ni Tsukaeta Bannoushitsuji, Tonari no Teikoku de Saikyou no Gunjin ni Nariagari Musousuru - Ch. 7.1 - Baptism Part 1

    Any chance we'll see better raws? The previous TL used high quality images, and this manga art is quite good, so seeing it in such low resolution is a bit of a bummer... Curious where the raws coming from atm
  14. doutatsu

    MangaDex@Home Update, New Affiliates, Looking for a Symfony dev, and a User Research Survey

    Same thinking as @Moodyz here. I am usually following the advice of That One Privacy Guy and this VPN is not even on their list... Seems quite shady to me, I'd like to hear good reasons for using them and it not being just about making some extra cash