About me

A senryu writer
with a burning hatred for
something called limerick

What is a haiku?

Wikipedia said:
Haiku (俳句) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases composed of 17 phonetic units (called on in Japanese, which are similar to syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern; that include a kireji, or "cutting word"; and a kigo, or seasonal reference. Similar poems that do not adhere to these rules are generally classified as senryū.​

Rules of writing a Haiku

  1. The haiku has a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
    • Historically, the thing the Japanese count 5-7-5 of is not the same as what we call a syllable, so actually many Japanese haiku are actually shorter on syllables than 5-7-5.
  2. The haiku gives a moment of insight.
    • Haiku should be clear and direct, with strong images
  3. The haiku is (usually) based on observation.
  4. The haiku has two parts.
    • A section that creates an image (often the first two lines, but not always)
    • Then another section which is different but connected—perhaps suggesting an interpretation of the first image, perhaps suggesting a contrast.
  5. Haiku should be compact and concise.
    • if you’re finding that the 5-7-5 is unwieldy, or forcing you to say too much, then you can also make your poem shorter—thus making it more concise.
    • Yes, that's right the 5-7-5 rule was a lie. A LIE!

Kireji and Kigo

  • Kireji: Traditional Haiku utilizes Kierji (cutting words) to separate lines on a haiku rhythmically. Despite having a written character Kireji are sounded, not written. They are intonations and expressions, not punctuations. However, in English haiku, kireji may be signified with:
    • -- a dash
    • ; a semicolon
    • … an ellipsis
    • or a natural pause in the haiku.
  • Kigo: A kigo is a word or phrase associated with a particular season. The Wikipedia article covers all the seasons and their respective theme.
old pond
frog leaps in
water's sound

- Matsuo Bashō'
The earth shakes
just enough
to remind us.

- Steve Sanfield
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.

- Katsushika Hokusai

Additional notes:
  • A fixed-form 5-3-5 syllable (or 3-5-3 word) haiku is sometimes known as a lune.​
  • Rhymes are optional, traditional haiku generally avoid them.​
  • Generally, haiku poems don’t use titles. But, if your poem will make more sense to the reader with a brief, descriptive title, you can bend the rules a little and provide one.​
  • Great haiku poetry comes from simple observations, and from accepting what comes to the mind without judgment or modification. Let your thoughts arise naturally, and try to transcribe those images into the poem.​
  • Japanese haiku typically never uses any punctuation, otherwise use them when needed.​

What is a Senryu?

Senryu, three-line unrhymed Japanese poetic form structurally similar to haiku but treating human nature, usually in a satiric or ironic vein. Whereas haiku focuses on nature, senryu is concerned with human nature and its foibles. Similar to haiku, senryu generally consist of 17 syllables (also called morae) divided over three lines in a 5-7-5 pattern, though these guidelines were less strictly followed as time passed. Senryu differs from haiku in that it is not required to reference the seasons or nature.
My files, they are there
Install Windows 10 update
My files, they are gone

When haiku is heard
Do you count the syllables
Or ponder the verse

If I had a buck,
for every dark thought I’ve had,
I could afford help

I just keep scrolling
Endlessly, mind numbingly
Must stay distracted

Easy to pick up, Senryu are quite flexible, less formality.

Other forms?

Other forms exist,
It will not be covered here,
too lazy to try.​

But... why 'haiku'?

There's no deep reason,
writing because I choose to.

Just a random shtick.

Now what?

Read manga I guess,
it's Mangadex™️ after all.
Let's get you started.

Nerd corner

Haiku bots exist,
wish I could create my own.
perhaps I should try...​
import re

# crude method of counting syllables, it's not perfect but it will cover most cases
def syllable_count(word):
    exception = {'serious':3,'crucial':2}
    syl_counter = 0

    if word in exception:
        return exception.get(word)
    elif len(word) < 3:
        return 1
        # count all the vowels first
        syl_counter += len(re.findall(r'[eaoui]',word))
        # hunt for Diphthong and Triphthong
        for i,j in enumerate(word):
            if j in "aeiou" and word[i-1] in "aeiou":
                syl_counter -= 1
        # if ends with "-ian", should be counted as two syllables, except for "-tian" and "-cian"
        # ie. 'Canadian'
        if word[-3:]== 'ian':
            if word[-4:] == "cian" or word[-4:] == "tian" :
            else :
                syl_counter += 1
        if word[-1:] == 'e':
            syl_counter -= 1
        return syl_counter



Oct 2, 2000 (Age: 23)
New Phyrexia

