Recent content by i_need_SMUUUT

  1. i_need_SMUUUT

    Hunter x Hunter - Ch. 400 - Concealed

    Kinda sad what happening to hxh I hope togashi stop doing the physical hard work and just tell his staff what to do. Or maybe copy what berserk is doing while he can still continue
  2. i_need_SMUUUT

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 138

    Is there suppose to be a narrator on this chapter?
  3. i_need_SMUUUT

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original)

    Does ONE have viewer count tracker on his website so that when he hit his mark, only then he will release all his work he has done so far? *just figuring out how ONE release his chapter, is there a pattern or clues.
  4. i_need_SMUUUT

    Moto Shogun no Undead Knight

    Is this really shounen? Or this is the new shounen
  5. i_need_SMUUUT

    Spirit Farmer - Ch. 11

    man this will be so fck up the moment they give the animals speech and thought how the fck can you eat them. These is why animals should have no brain, less guilt
  6. i_need_SMUUUT

    Spirit Farmer - Ch. 3

    MC need to go to police
  7. i_need_SMUUUT

    Kowloon Generic Romance - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    Its gawdamn aliens
  8. i_need_SMUUUT

    Kowloon Generic Romance - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    @Mahoushani yup there's so many clues everywhere, its almost obvious hint. I cant understand why many are confuse and hate the male coworker
  9. i_need_SMUUUT


    Lol so turtle don't want ntr that explains a lot
  10. i_need_SMUUUT

    Arcane Sniper

    @aylatrigger Man I cant believe how US is so interconnected with guns *no matter what ethnicity, race or culture, when you think of guns and nation you'll automatically think of america. It's almost illegal to say this at this point its almost racist lmao Man I love Murica