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  • People just whine about such minor details nowadays. Why wouldn't they just save their breath and discuss on something more important to their lives?

    "Instead of thinking about overthrowing billionaires, or how we should start a protest like the French did. I am just gonna rant about this guy on the internet that I have never met in real life before! Just because they have sniped a collection of 2D pixels that I don't even own!"
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    Reactions: Guerrochan
    It just f*cking amazes me everytime they get distracted by some entertainment. The real reason why we are still stuck in this capitalism hellscape is because of these "grown adults" with their "mature thoughts".
    Why do you expect people to mind their own business and invest into their own lives more than ranting on internet in a shitty Discord?
    Just realized the user flair "Fed-Kun" probably means the fed up office lady
    This means a mod probably dropped by and saw the whole drama unfold lol
    (not sure why kun tho)
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    Reactions: Xnot
    I see, finding what the meaning of this lol
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