Recent content by Ilhamcadel

  1. Ilhamcadel

    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Ch. 38 - Let's Get Some Sleep

    And now, i cant sleep today. Fckkk
  2. Ilhamcadel

    Tsuihou Sareta Akuyaku Reijou to Tensei Danshaku no Slow de Fushigi na Kekkon Seikatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Yo its came back! Great job, one man team! Good health for you.
  3. Ilhamcadel

    Otona ni Narenai Bokura wa - Ch. 25 - Movies

    Bro imagine, this got adaptation with 27 episode in total same like the manga That'll be so peak, and absolute cinema.
  4. Ilhamcadel

    Medalist - Ch. 49 - All-Japan Junior Women's SP

    Ahhh i know that feeling When you supposed to be best of your version, but at the end You just underperformed You just cant do anything You just cant win Every might you may be... You just lost. Qualified round is the hardest than any round, and final round just the begining of everything.
  5. Ilhamcadel

    Otona ni Narenai Bokura wa - Ch. 21 - Pool weather

    Bro imagine. The loops never ends... Whatever they do... the monday's repeat never ends.
  6. Ilhamcadel

    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 6 Ch. 33.1

    Man... i hate this "pretending" arc so much.
  7. Ilhamcadel

    Tonari no Seki no Yankee Shimizu-san ga Kami o Kuroku Sometekita - Ch. 5

    Bjirrr, nih MC mulutnya kelewat lemes coy! Jujur bener.
  8. Ilhamcadel

    Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou - Ch. 21

    Gw jujur belum lanjut lagi WNnya tapi sejauh yang gw baca sih masih non harem, mungkin lu lebih tahu kalo udah baca lebih jauh. Gw berharap sih gak harem, tapi kalo jadi harem ya... gpp lah. Namanya juga pilihan author.
  9. Ilhamcadel

    Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou - Ch. 21

    Banyangin bro lu udah tamatin 100 world terus bonus gamenya gak cuma skill dan level lu gak ilang terus dapet salah satu heroine dari salah satu 100 world yang udah lu tamatin. Nikmat mana lagi yang engkau dustakan. Kpn ya :"
  10. Ilhamcadel

    Omiai Shitakunakatta node, Murinandai na Jouken wo Tsuketara Doukyuusei ga Kita Ken ni Tsuite - Ch. 12.2 - Lies of “Fiancée” and Summer Festival - Pa…

    Hand holding ✅️ Calling each other first name ✅️ Hugging ✅️ "Please pat my head" approval ✅️ That's a development!
  11. Ilhamcadel

    Saki - Ch. 282 - 3 People

    Even in the deep of mountain, someone still can escape from it. Nice sanbaiman, btw. I hope one day i got a hand like that.
  12. Ilhamcadel

    Medalist - Vol. 12 Ch. 48 - The Promised Day

    what a clifthanger