Recent content by iuconu

  1. I

    Any books change your life? Literally?

    I was going to say BotNS too! I feel like I discover a new way of reading the book every time I revisit it.
  2. I

    Western fantasy novels/books that would make good mangas?

    I think Jack Vance's Cugel novels (bizarre fantasy comedies from the 1960s and 80s) would be really well-suited to the format.
  3. I

    Isekai can involve sci-fi. Change my mind.

    Although I don't really care for isekai as a manga or anime genre, it's worth mentioning you actually see identical tropes in a lot of early science and "fantastic" fiction. I've been reading through Clark Ashton Smith's body of work over the past couple of years and this sort of story where an...
  4. I

    Velma Thread

    Awful show in the mold of a lot of new animation produced for streaming services-- It would not be worth mentioning except for the bizarre choice of making it Scooby-Doo. It was pretty clearly pitched as a different show and then had the Scooby-Doo IP painted over it as a caveat of acceptance...