I was thinking the same thing, you'd think she'd seal her bag before handing it to him.
He could have simply pinched the the bag where her swimsuit was and shake out his phone... but that would be boring.
Agreed, I'm more of a fan of the original webcomic than the syndication manga series, but I'm also glad for ONE's sake so that he can earn a living doing something he enjoys.
For those willing to read the comments... and reading only the newer episodes of the webcomic, please read the original...
This guy had his chad moments earlier in the series but since then seems very blue pilled. In the real world the first girl to confess to him would have him till she tired of him... thus being the loser in the harem pursuit.
PS: I'm beginning to realise if the MC is a cuck no one wins in a...
Actually if most of us thought about it... most people had more than one girlfriend before settling down, a more realistic manga would be very red pilled when at a younger age thinking they can improve on their partner options in most cases.