Just freak/weirdo manga reader
An ordinary boy who hate this world and himself
If you like Satsuriku no Tenshi too, let's be friend

Gue orang Indonesia. Btw, gue translate manga waktu gabut doang, enggak gabut yah... *auto-muntah*
Gue translate manga dari versi bahasa Ingriss ke bahasa Indonesia. Jika versi inggrisnya tidak tersedia, sedangkan raw-nya ada, gue akan usahakan dengan Gotra-chan. Tapi jika raw-nya memang tidak tersedia, gue bakal cancel.
Horror is too special, Romance; especially 4koma's, some Yuri accepted, Gore is a must, and etc.
Isekai is stupid, Harem is immoral, Fantasy is just fantasy, etc.
Address: in Hentai District, in Manga Regency. Because in this place I could forget everything above.