Recent content by -Kyle-

  1. -Kyle-

    The Gender of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Princess Who Loved Insects

    hmm I guess gender stereotypes and pressure would be amplified in this world, wouldn't they? the whole "but we wanted a boy" thing you saw historically would be so awful too, since your parents could/would blame you it's interesting that she's a bit of a tomboy but still wanted to be a girl I...
  2. -Kyle-

    The Gender of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Pupa

    You know what that was extremely pushy and invasive I think i'm going to be disappointed and disgusted by the time this is over if the guy ends up winning.
  3. -Kyle-

    The Gender of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Pupa

  4. -Kyle-

    The Gender of Mona Lisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Eighteenth Spring

    current prediction: they become both genders simultaneously and confuse the fuck out of everyone or they do the classic "become a girl, fall for a guy, lose all of your characterization" hopefully it'll be something interesting instead of the stock M->F + childhood guy friend... please i'm sick...
  5. -Kyle-

    Ichido Dake Demo, Koukai Shitemasu

    I love when a series has segmented chapters (for either translation speed, or because of the original formatting), mangadex's system just throws a fit and declares everything missing Yuri's goddamn whack though, there's some sort of inverse law where the shorter the series is, the better and...
  6. -Kyle-

    Ichido Dake Demo, Koukai Shitemasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - A Place Called Home, By Your Side.

    While the other one might have phrasing issues, this one felt like it read worse Maybe the individual sentences were better overall, but it was sorta more choppy going between them? Might just be a thing with rereading the same thing twice though, i'm not smart
  7. -Kyle-

    My Stepsister's Social Media

    The art's not great, the story is silly, the characters are undeveloped... But you know what? The TL notes exist. ⑨/10
  8. -Kyle-

    Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Coco’s Birthday

    I swear the lolita yes thing was mentioned in the translation notes of something else, but I don't really remember it I wish this translation group would include notes
  9. -Kyle-

    Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita

    I completely forgot this even existed new group huh? ...why am I even reading this though
  10. -Kyle-

    Dear NOMAN

    :( goodbye.... hardly had any time to get attached, and then it's gone
  11. -Kyle-

    Dear NOMAN - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    yandere girls are the best girls~
  12. -Kyle-

    Official "Test" Manga - Ch. 2

    how does I wingding thing
  13. -Kyle-

    Official "Test" Manga

    the italicized letters spell out literally hitler nice/10
  14. -Kyle-

    Sousou no Frieren

    I'm not sure how to feel about this anymore I liked the beginning a lot but now it feels rather aimless and the translations are mediocre so it's just kinda a pile of letdowns, if it was just what it is now maybe i wouldn't be so disappointed