Recent content by LordTrollbias

  1. LordTrollbias

    Sousou no Frieren - Ch. 130 - Beneath the Surface

    Political intrigue let's go. Also good to see the absolute chad Denken again. Phrase must be quite the character to have Macht want to kill her on the spot. From what we saw of her younger self I'm assuming she's the same mage who showed up to ice Land's grandmother
  2. LordTrollbias

    “Okaeri, Papa” - Ch. 18 - Rift

    And to think they haven't even played the "suspicious phone messages" card yet. I think they'll likely save that angle and give her a warning to back off and if she doesn't they'll go in for the kill
  3. LordTrollbias

    “Okaeri, Papa” - Ch. 18 - Rift

    Well fucking played
  4. LordTrollbias

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 17 - Where The Sidekicks Are

    We stan a king who chases after his awkward giant girl. That being said won't tolerate Tsubaki slander either. She's a good girl just not best girl unfortunately
  5. LordTrollbias

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 16 - Not Needed

    Legend. You guys are legends
  6. LordTrollbias

    Hope You're Happy, Lemon - Ch. 21

    "And now because of the swap he's pushing me out of his life." The fucking audacity. The swap is the only reason he's even willing to put up with you . Anyway if she does somehow confess and his answer is anything other than a resolute and firm "hell no" I'll be massively disappointed
  7. LordTrollbias

    Iljin Romance - Ch. 14

    It 100% will backfire like that
  8. LordTrollbias

    Uchida-san wa Zettai ni Gyaru Janai! - Ch. 8

    He's not a tsundere though is he? He's been pretty firm about not liking her romantically from the jump and it's not because he's trying to deny some hidden feelings either. It's just her and the rest of the posse can't seem to take his no at face value
  9. LordTrollbias

    Hope You're Happy, Lemon - Ch. 20

    Well this chapter was a whole lot of nothing. Feel like I've been saying that about a bunch of chapters in this one as of late too.