@Willie29 After 30 chapters of the princess appearing to be behind everything, it turns out her father the king knew about everything and got fed up with her bullshit. So he disowned her just at the right moment for the hero to finish her off.
We don't yet know if the king is gonna be the new...
What bugs me about this group is that we are supposed to believe they managed to survive for some time before MC came along.
Sorry, but if this dimwits had previous experience in fighting zombies, why did they instantly collapse like that? Like there was no reason for the girl to push the guy...
Another day, another pile of wishfullfillment-harem-trash.
Bookmarked, can't wait to see how dumb it gets.
Also the CEO would have massive backpain in reality.
Hold on, what exactly was the first guy thinking would happen?
We klnow from earlier chapters that it is possible to make the timer go faster, so MC would have escaped anyway in no time if he wanted.
Also are you telling me everyone who gets stuck in this world was like "Well, lets spend the...
"Don't call the cops. They would be useless."
On one hand, this is stupid, since the cops would just be able to shoot her.
But on the other hand, its nice to see someone knowing they are in a shitty slasherstory where logic doesn't apply for once.
@77BLc9JwJGpLVARkamJx He never was a good guy in the first place. In an early chapter, we saw him lighting the hair of a woman on fire just so he could smell the "beautifull" smell of burnt hair. He even admitted that he did this regularly.
But yeah, I get where you come from. Him killing the...
Honestly, Ithink her leaving comes just at the right time.
Because there wasn't much more to do with these people: We had some scenes to show how MC is trying to cope with her situation and how others react to her powers. The school arc also gave a boss fight and showed that there are other...
And of course the zombie they run into just happens to be related to Yuna. What a fucking convinience.
Also RIP Haruka-senpai. Her actions might have been harsh but in the situation they are she had all the reasons to distrust MC.
I facepalmed so hard when she said no to become a god.
Because the whole "I can't connect with my family"-thing was as far as I remember never brought up at all. Also everyone treats her like the second coming of Christus already, so I highly doubt her gaining even more power would make a...
So Deus Ex Machina strikes again. This time with a character that I can't even remember being mentioned until now.
For a moment, I thought the saintess would take Raul's side because the goddes told her that she send Raul with her blessing, but I guess this also works.