As a history buff, I stopped caring about that since the first few chapters and just treated this manga as an parallel universe Japan.
The clothings, hairstyles, etc. in this manga are extremely inaccurate of the time period this manga supposed to take place in.
Pls no Yaoi. I hate Yaoi and Yuri in non-Yaoi or Yuri manga with a passion. If you wanted those, just go straight up and read a Yaoi manga. Do shippers even know the word "friendship" anymore?
This is an extremely stupid joke. What she wants is man, not a girl. She came from an extremely conservative family. The reason she wants a marriage is because she needed to produce an heir to continue her family name as she is an only child. Actually, according to history, she did get married...
Your comment made me confused. Tsukumogami is an umbrella term for objects that developed a soul and turned into yokai. It came from the Japanese belief that all objects contain a kami and after a long period of time, the objects become sentient. Doll Tsukumogami certainly exists as doll yokai...
While this manga is entertaining, the author put in way too much inaccurate youkai lore that it made a mythology enthusiast like me feel off putting. In accurate lore, many animal yokai like kitsune, tanuki ans nekomata are way more intelligent and cunning than other yokai. And there is no way...
Maybe there were some generational differences between our generation and their. Nowadays, a character likes Tomii would be dislike because how we tackle workplace bullying now but in the old day, people were different. Maybe they found him funny.
I had a chance to eat saury years ago but it had a very fishy smell. I don't know if it was me or the restaurant but I didn't find saury delicious at all.