Recent content by molen

  1. M

    Make the Exorcist Fall in Love - Ch. 54 - Disaster

    i might be wrong, but i think mr priest give imuri a glass of water instead of milk, but she doesnt realize it because she is a demon or something. mr priest doesnt even open the fridge to get that mlik. that water dripping on the sink is suspicious. or i am just seeing things and mr priest just...
  2. M

    Scanlators! Optimize your PNG's to losslessly decrease file size before uploading!

    You can also tell Pingo to do a specific folder by using this command: pingo options folder location for example: pingo -s1 c:\myfolder\mysubfolder1 if it is a mounted network harddisk pingo -s1 \\\myfolder\*.png you can use this command in erati's script by changing these line...