Recent content by Necrostafe

  1. N

    Idol to Otaku no Risou no Kankei - Vol. 16 Ch. 100

    People in chat really wished she was being taken away in a cop car at the end lmao
  2. N

    Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!! - Vol. 12 Ch. 62.2 - From The Planet To The People

    Rayshifting is cool and all, but Tanaka's outfit being a nod to Illya's outfit in Tiger Dojo from the original Fate/Stay Night bad end skits is quality content.
  3. N

    Nana no Ura Doru Katsudou - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    The translation is a work of art.
  4. N

    Silver Pole Flowers - Ch. 22 - That's How I See It Now

    I know this girl is just a proxy for Karin. Literally same situation, but I guess Karin is like the secondary lead so she gets to avoid the eventual comeuppance that should have come to her.
  5. N


    @RGBHero there's like an analogy probably about how even if there's 4 of them doesn't mean they can crank out 4 different characters, at best they can get 2 done since that's how their team works. Where someone draws and another makes the model. Where as a machine would be like an assembly line...
  6. N


    @Lilliwyt They're allocating the task and leaving it to the people who are in charge of that specific job. The way she put it maybe blunt, but it's technically how it should go. Naturally if they were given an impossible task then it'd be a problem, but that's only until they've thought about it...
  7. N

    Silver Pole Flowers - Ch. 17 - What Are You Wanting To Say?

    I kinda miss Karin being a Pole Sports Elitist that unknowingly shit talks people's moms, but I guess she's gonna be more sensitive about the topic.
  8. N

    Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest - Vol. 8 Ch. 71 - Spiritual Arts

    Erza is in a "bad" situation. Is it time for another round of Hiro's fetish panel?
  9. N

    The Romcom Where the Childhood Friend Won't Lose! - Vol. 3 Ch. 12

    @onionskins that would be the safe bet, but might not be an option. I mean usually in romcoms they have the best girl go to anyone but the MC. It's like the best friend usually gets them or some random guy that appears.
  10. N

    Oshi ga Kounin Stalker ni Narimashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    So did the idol girl that had to quit, quit because she was found in a mixer and started dating one of the guys or was it just because she was there and rumors started? Because the way the story was told it either went that she went to the mixer the guy set up and she started going out with him...
  11. N

    Saki: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A - new series - Ch. 24 - Heaven's Blessing

    I like how they're trying to hype up Saki's team in this manga. Honestly the Saki manga doesn't actually focus much on their team and we go months delving into other teams characters before we get any for them(among panels of that one girls ass all the time, like she needs clothes or something...
  12. N

    Eromanga Sensei - Vol. 11 Ch. 68 - Muramasa's Big House (1)

    Chapter title should have been "Masamune's big tent"
  13. N

    【Oshi no Ko】 - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Leaving a Mark

    3rd member of the idol squad? 🧐