Recent content by nolbat

  1. N

    Remote Server returned an error (400) Bad Request when I try to download any images through my custom app.

    Hello, has there been any changes made recently to the Mangadex image server ( I've been downloading covers and chapters for years through a custom application without any issues. I am now getting the following error when trying to download images "Remote Server...
  2. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    @Teasday I'm getting incorrect chapter results with this version of API v2 - Chapters - It returns the latest chapter of Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan as 43 and it should be 44. If I use the old version of API v2 - Chapters -...
  3. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    @Teasday thanks for the API. Is it possible for you to standardize the beginning of the covers endpoint to be like the other endpoints. For example like chapters. Here is the start of covers ([manga id]/covers)...