Did you catch on to how Asmode kept changing the subject when MC was going to ask Asmode questions or think about helping CF? Or how Asmode would do the “to get your goal you need to follow my plan”?
I’m at Ch11 seeing MC’s thoughts he is having around Asmode how she hasn’t let known that she...
Miku wasn’t kidnapped she went along with MC.
The first three days nine of the girls were given food or water. She became dehydrated because MaskBully kept stealing her water bottle. She was also beaten by MaskBully to get Mikey’s water and because of anger/embarrassment (mouth to mouth water)...
So Haruna (who also has feelings for Akito) KNOWS Natsumi has feelings for him too?
How does she, Haruna, or anyone else not know Fubuki has feelings for her?
That is not what you do to someone you like. Also MrBully said “isn’t it about time you hand over Yool” that makes me think you have been passing girls towards him. You even went and asked him for his lighter showing you two are a bit close.
Is he a good guy or no? Why did she walk home with him when she is hiding MC at her home?
[weird to see my past comment and how similar my thought is now]
One not true to his feelings and thoughts.
One who is open with their thoughts when asked.
Both no family that seemingly care.
What now with this rapist a/hole?
Is he crashing out? Is he burning bridges? Is he trying to change himself?
He doesn’t look like he smoked before so how is he okay smoking and he doesn’t look old enough to buy cigarettes at his age
The rumors about her are true??! You found out that they weren’t!
Nothing is going to happen to her?! B***h please!
Because they are in the same class. YOU are in the same class and YOU are constantly bullied and YOU are the number 1 ranked kid!! So it would be worse for the last ranked with...
That chick is F’d up. Telling everyone that even though it was suppose to be a secret. Having your “crush” go follow and see just because you’re jealous he likes FL.
Then she goes on to lie just for the “yearning” of attention